127. I'm Still Standing

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"Hang on," Daphne said as she sat at the end of Hermione's hospital bed later on the following day. "Theo punched an owl?" The group had burst into a fit of laughter at this as Hermione promised to share the memory with everyone as soon as she was back in her dorm.

Sloane, Theo and Hermione were made to stay in the hospital wing overnight after everyone got out of the underground hellhole. Hermione and Theo had several cuts and bumps and Theo had a slight concussion from his attack but both were on the mend. Sloane's shoulder and elbow were mended as were the whip marks on her back and cheek. She too had a concussion but was feeling great. She didn't want to take away from Madame Pomfrey who was busy fussing over them, but Draco had healed all three within minutes of them arriving into the wing.

"Alright," Professor McGonagall said as she clapped her hands at the base of Theo's bed. "Everyone not currently a patient in the ward, head on downstairs and get some lunch. You can all visit the patients again later." There were moans from everyone as the Headmistress narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me?" She asked making them all jump to their feet. Ron, Luna, Ginny and Blaise headed off as Daphne, Harry and Draco lingered.

"You can come back when you've eaten you three," she rolled her eyes at them. "Now off with you."

Draco leaned into Sloane. "I will be back as quick as I can." He placed his forehead against hers.

"I will be right here waiting," she smiled as she leaned up slightly and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you, Sloane," he sighed. A content sigh as he stood up with the headmistress shooing him, Harry and Daphne out as Madame Pomfrey came with trays of food for the three of them.

"Can we get out of here today?" Sloane asked hopeful as she began to eat her chicken pie. Madame Pomfrey pouted as she cast her wand over Sloane and began to feel around her shoulder and elbow. "Please?"

The matron sighed. "I would like to keep you in for at least one more day," she pressed her lips together. "Just for observation. You have been through quite a traumatic event."

Sloane shrugged. "Just another school year."

There was a chuckle as Newt, Tina, Joanna and Kingsley walked towards their beds. It was Newt who laughed. "You sound like your father." He beamed at her.

"Yeah he was a troublemaker too," Tina chuckled. "Gave your grandfather the run around on many occasions."

Kingsley moved so he was standing at the bottom of Sloane's bed as she was in the middle of Theo and Hermione. "I am glad to hear you three are on the mend physically. I wanted to check on how you were feeling...well...em-"

"Mentally," Joanna added. "He wants to make sure you are all ok after what happened. It's quite traumatic and can have an effect on your mental well-being." She smiled at them all. "We are here to listen if you want to talk?"

Sloane looked between Theo and Hermione able to gauge their feelings. "Honestly," she shrugged. "It sucks what happened but it's over and we are just happy that no one was seriously hurt. Now we just want to move on and get back to a sense of normality."

"And schoolwork," Hermione added.

"Yeah and...wait what?" Theo gasped at Hermione and then laughed. "That last one is all Granger. Besides," he gestured to Sloane. "This school has a great councillor we can talk to."

Joanna and Tina beamed with pride and Newt smiled warmly. Kingsley looked conflicted but decided not to say anything and simply changed the subject. "You know we will need the three of you to speak to the Auror department and Records department when you are up for it to get all this recorded and get the case closed."

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