22. The Gambler

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If having her own dorm was exciting for Sloane, it was nothing to having her own room. She had a large double bed with a grey fabric headboard and white sheets and a duvet. A grey and white round rug sat on top of light grey wooden floor. The curtains were grey and the room was very, very open and airy. Sloane managed to transfigure a box into a miniature bed for Goose, complete with his own duvet and pillow.

Joanna had packed a box of things Sloane could use to decorate her new room. First was a scattering of cushions in dusky blue, grey and various matching prints. Then there was a dusky blue throw as well as dusky blue tie-backs for the curtains. Then there were charmed fairy lights which hung around the top of the four posters on the bed. The curtains around the bed were removed to make way for the lights. A few potted plants were set up in various locations as well as a few pictures in frames to really give it that homey touch. Next was her fabric swing. It was basically like a hammock with cushions inside that she loved to sit in and read. Lastly was Sloane's vinyl record player and her little stand full of records. When she had finished she stood back admiring her new room. In Sloane's eyes, it was pretty damn perfect. 

She nipped out to the bathroom and had a quick shower before slipping on her pyjamas and heading back to her room. She had left the door open and when she arrived back she could see Draco standing in the doorway looking around curiously. 

"You ok?" She asked when she was standing behind him, making him jump about a foot in the air. 

He spun around. "You scared the crap out of me!" He put his hand over his chest. 

"Sorry," Sloane shrugged. 

"What is all this stuff?" He asked looking around again. 

"Well," Sloane began gesturing for him to step into the room and let her move past. "This is my room. I brought a few things from home. I hate my old school's duvet, so I assumed this was probably the same, so I brought my own. I added some lights, a swing seat and a few home comforts."

"Huh," Draco sighed as Goose jumped from the shelf like a flying squirrel and onto his shoulder. It didn't even phase him, he just reached up and scratched behind Goose's ear. "I would never have thought of bringing things from home. Not that I had any of this stuff," he gestured to the swing. "You're a very strange girl."

Sloane didn't know if she should be offended or not. "OK then."

"I just mean that you don't think the way the rest of us do." That wasn't much better in Sloane's eyes. "But I like it. I may have to steal your idea and take something from home." 

"Yeah, you might as well make your room as comfy as you can. You are going to be sleeping in it most nights for the next nine to ten months." He didn't make a move to leave the room. He didn't actually want to. He was fascinated by her things. He had never met a Pureblood who knew so much about muggles and wasn't ashamed of it.

"What would you take from home?" She asked. 

He thought for a second. Why was he even speaking with this girl? He was going to just walk away when his mouth betrayed him. "Probably my bedsheets like you, they are silk and the best money can buy."

"And that matters?"

"What matters?" He asked looking confused.

"That they are the best money can buy? Why is that so important? You know that just because they are the best money can buy doesn't make them the prettiest or the comfiest."

"What are you on about now?" Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

"We shall see, you bring your fancy duvet and I will bring my comfy duvet and we shall see which is better. Deal?" She held out her hand. 

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