111. Nasty Boy

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While Sloane, Draco and Newt thought it was at least worth a try to heal Euan, everyone else...well they weren't exactly too keen on the idea. Well all besides Luna who thought it was wonderful and had been secretly researching to see if there was ever a case of a gargoyle going back to human form indefinitely. Newt was delighted. "You really are a remarkable young lady," he beamed as she explained what she had been up to. "Have you considered a career as a magizoologist?"

Luna was blushing furiously and only managed a squeak. Thankfully Ron was right by her side. "It's her dream job," he smiled looking fondly at his girl. "She talks about wanting to do nothing else. She has even researched the best places in the UK to live so she can make the biggest impact. She wants to focus on Harftruflets as they are in danger of extinction first."

Newt eyes nearly popped as Ron spoke. "Have you ever seen one?" He asked as Ron give Luna an encouraging little nudge.

"My mother nursed one back to health when I was younger but I don't have many memories. I do have photos," she squeaked.

"Well you are absolutely right, they are in grave danger here in the UK. Actually there are a couple of beasts facing extinction here that you could work with. I would love to help you get started after you graduate. I still have many connections in the Ministry here and I can teach you to care for them." Ron had to hold Luna as she swayed on the spot, at risk of fainting.

"My husband and I are going to be here for a while," Tina explained. "We have taken on a new expedition here in Scotland. Might take. Few years."

"You have?" Sloane and Luna both squeaked.

"Our son Lysander and our grandson Rolf are heading up the one back home to allow us to peruse this," Newt explained. "I am very much looking forward to being back on English soil for a while. Luna, perhaps you would like to come work for me after graduation? As my assistant on this expedition? I can train you so you have all the skills and tools to become a magizoologist. I believe you were born for the role."

Luna almost turned purple as she tried to hold on her excitement. This was her dream and Newt Scamander was her hero. This was the job of a lifetime. "Oh, my unicorn dust...YES!!" She screamed over the breakfast table so everyone turned to look towards the group. Newt looked mortified and Sloane could t help but giggle. "That would be incredible. I mean....i would be honoured!!!"

She was pulling on Ron's sleeve so much, she actually ripped his school robe. "That's darling," he groaned as Sloane waved her hand repairing the tear. "Thanks, Sloane. Mr Scamander, you have made my girlfriend's year!" Ron chuckled.

Newt simply nodded and turned to Tina who looked proud. She knew he had been wanting an excuse to come back to England for years but work had kept him away. And now that Sloane was here, she felt that it would be exciting to stick around for a while. Tina adored Sloane and always saw her as a daughter, never having had one of her own. "Well done love," she whispered to her husband.

"I am delighted for you Luna," Ginny smiled. "But can we get back to the crazy talk of Draco wanting to sit and have a conversation with the thing that killed Jack? That almost killed Sloane. It's mental!" She looked to Draco. "You're mental!"

Draco had expected them to react like this so he simply took a breath. "I am not saying it's going to work. It could be ludicrous but I would like to at least try."

"To heal a killer?" Blaise said fully agreeing with his girlfriend. "Did you hit your head this morning?"

"Guys," Sloane could feel the panic in them both, actually in most of the group. "We know that he is dangerous but if we could reason with him -"

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