100. Where You Lead, I Will Follow

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"You need to eat something Sloane," Ginny encouraged as she pointed to the girls plate with her untouched dinner on it. Sloane had been pushing her chips around her plate for 20minutes now and had yet to take a mouthful. Sloane didn't even look up and make no sign that she had even heard the red head. "Sloane?" She called again now worried of her friend. "Sloane?"

"Hey, you ok in there?" Ron gave Sloane a playful nudge but it absolutely terrified Sloane as she have a jolt and dropped her fork with a very loud clank.

"Fucking hell," Blaise leaned over and whispered to the girl. "You ok doll?"

Sloane gave her head a good shake and looked up. "I'm sorry I was a million miles away." She looked down at her plate. She knew she should eat but her stomach was currently churning like a windmill and she didn't think she would be able to keep anything down. The food was actually making her feel sick and light headed. "Sorry guys but I'm feeling a bit crappy."

"But you haven't eaten, Luna pointed out. "You'll feel worse from hunger if you don't try to eat something."

Sloane blanched as she looked down at her plate again. It was a simple dinner of chicken Maryland, chips and veg and yet Sloane couldn't even stomach the smell. "I can't," she shook her had.

"Why don't you take something for later?" Hermione smiled as she offered Sloane an apple and a baguette with little butter packets which she folded up into a napkin. "Even if you don't eat it, the option is always there in case you get hungry."

Sloane smiled at the brunette sitting opposite her and she rose out of her seat. "Bless you Mione. I just going to head up to bed. I will see you all -"

"Give me a minute and I will walk you up," Draco said shovelling his food into his mouth.

"It's fine Draco," she placed a hand on his shoulder. "The guard at the door will walk behind me anyway so I will be fine. Take your time and eat."

"No it's not -" he started with a mouthful of food but he was interrupted.

"I'm finished," Ron said as he patted his stomach. "You eat and I will walk with Sloane. You can bring Luna with you when you're finished so she's not alone."

"You don't mind?" Draco asked eating slower now.

"Course not," Ron smiled offer Sloane his arm. "Come on trouble."

Sloane leant down and kissed Draco's cheek. "See you soon," she whispered as she headed off out the hall and up the stairs, the guard right on their heels.

"You feeling alright?" Ron asked. "I've never purposely missed a meal so I assume you're feeling sick with worry or worried sick?"

Sloane smiled at the red head next to her as they leant against the staircase which moved into position. "I guess I am worried sick. I don't like the thought of that gargoyle being down there, plotting against us. I couldn't bare it if one of you got hurt."

"I get it," Ron nodded and they walked off again. "But there isn't much point in worrying over something that hasn't happened yet. All we can do is try our best to stay safe, while the adults find answers." He bit the inside of his cheek. "Have to say it's nice not having to be the ones coming up with the answers. I was never good at the planning and researching. That was all Hermione. She was the brains and Harry was the brawn. I think I was just the nuisance and -"

"Not at all," Sloane assured him. "I've heard the stories for myself and from what I can gather, they needed you just as much as you needed them. You were a team. It took all three of you to defeat Riddle. You are incredibly brave."

Ron looked sideways at her. "I never felt brave. Not once during the whole war. I was always terrified."

"I'd consider you a fool if you weren't," she chuckled. "Bravery doesn't mean you don't feel the fear. It means you know you have to face it anyway. Bravery comes from not giving up. You are very brave Ron. You've been through so much and lost your brother along the way. You are incredibly brave for even being able to get out of bed."

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