54. Suspicious Minds

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While Sloane and Draco were spending their time getting to know one another, they found that they had quite a few things in common. Draco loved music and was now just as obsessed with muggle songs as Sloane was. They both loved the same foods, Quidditch teams, and books. It meant that they were able to be in each other's company quite often without feeling bored or unwanted. Draco was perfectly happy to spend evenings in front of the fire reading or watching Sloane write as he drew in his sketchbook. He taught her how to play the guitar, and she was teaching him Latin. They would go for walks every day around the grounds, quite regularly with little Goose in tow. They would sit on their tree branch by the lake and revise or finish homework or simply write their letters. Sloane would write to Newt and Joanna keeping them updated on school work, Goose, and Draco. She would write to Narcissa telling her bits of information on what her mother was like, and Narcissa would tell stories about her time in Hogwarts and everything they got up to. 

Draco was patient, loving, and became a real rock for Sloane. Someone she could depend on. He kept up his sessions with her, coming to talk about his childhood, his father, and the abuse he suffered both mentally and physically. He would tell her about his time while his father was locked up the first time and how he was forced to become a Death Eater. Pinned down and given the mark without his consent. How horrific the pain was and how he thought he would die in the days following. It was so important to Sloane that he opened up. Share his past and his fears with her. If anything, she felt even closer to him after. And for him, it was good to scratch the service on all that was wrong with him. He was opening up to the one person who had become his whole world. She would listen, offer advice and support, and just be there for him in a way that no one really had before. They would visit Hogsmeade on the weekends, either by themselves or with the rest of the group. The two made a habit of visiting the bookshop, and Draco even began looking for books on Ceangalanam or soul mates, whatever he could find. Also, he tried to find information on Empaths and healing gifts in the hopes of giving Sloane some answers. Everything seemed to be going great for the couple, and everyone noticed.

Something everyone also noticed, was Ron's behaviour. He would be willing to meet them if they were headed to Hogsmeade, specifically the Three Broomsticks, but if it were a day when they were staying at the castle, to revise or do homework, Ron would always opt to stay in his room. He said he liked to revise alone. Actually, the amount of revising he had to do, Hermione, was sure that he would be passing every test with flying colours. But he wasn't. He was getting homework back to repeat, and his test results were nothing but abysmal. 

There was that and then the look of Ron himself. No one could insult or mock the Weasley kids in school this year. For the first time in a long time, Ron had started the school year off with new books instead of his usual second-hand ones. He had a full set of brand-new uniforms and school shoes. His weekend clothes, too, all seemed to be new and in the latest fashion. Hermione remembered Arthur saying that he had a pay rise and money was no longer a real issue, so they were now just like every other wizarding household. 

But while Ginny's clothes still looked crisp and fresh, and she always looked her best, Ron had started to look worse than before. He would wear his robes all crumbled up like he kept them rolled into a ball in his wardrobe. His shoes were always scuffed and dirty that Harry thought he was helping Hagrid in the grounds. His hair was greasy and hanging off his head, and his skin was always dirty, and since he obviously wasn't looking after it, it had resulted in a nasty breakout. His eyes were sunken in, and he had lost weight. Everyone noticed, and it was brought up several times among the group but with and without Ron present. But he acted fine when they were together. He would say that he was up all night finishing homework or revising or practising spells. His looks he would blame on lack of sleep and stress. But he was happy when he was with them, peaceful enough so that no one questioned it. They would spend some evenings playing wizard chess, and Ron was currently the reigning champion. But everyone was still suspicious. Ron was suspicious. But because no one knew what was going on, no one could say anything. 

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