Chapter 11, The Lorady

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Urshawn watches his Lord vanish into the drapes of some room off the balcony he doesn't care to remember what is or for.

He looks to his Sage pouring the last of the coffee into his cup as if great things had not just come from his teaching.

Urshawn worries of the moments to come and looks to the stars for courage.

Erray sounds very normal, "I don't know if it matters, but Lord Herpaul drank his whole cup."

Urshawn's worry and happy-love for Erray waltz togther in his belly. He wants to laugh, but he's too worried he'd cry if he tried.

Urshawn admits, "I don't know how it will effect him. Some minds are slowed by coffee, some are accelerated. We should have a guess next time."

Erray drinks while he speaks, then sets his cup on the table. He comes gently, "What is it? Was there more to everything?"

Urshawn gets his hands on Erray the moment he's close enough, "Isn't there always?"

"Tell me, Beloved. I will put my mind to it."

Urshawn laughs in his nose, "Not sure your mind is the right tool for the job."

Erray is concerned, "Please explain."

Urshawn turns, "Walk with me. It keeps my courage up."

Erray walks with him as he questions, "What is it you seek courage against?"

Urshawn keeps the pace a stroll, even for Erray's short legs. He strolls his talking along, too. "You, Erray. Do you realize, in just one trip of the sun, you righted my course in life and put back together my broken romances?

"My airhead woman, is spouting reason with a splash of wisdom. Even her makeup has improved.

"And my Lord had his shirt tucked and his crown on straight. He kissed me like it was the first time.

"Erray, you're scaring the immortal life out of me. Now, I have to bring my most personal struggle and lay it at your feet, hoping you can right it.

"I'm not worried you can't, but my ego is weakened and may not survive the night."

Erray puts his arm around Urshawn, "Well, you uprooted my life and turned all my struggles to echoes of the past, saved my life and got me a pair of pants that fit right. Not to mention, got me kissed a few times by a goddess and caused me to meet a man that instantly made me miss being a woman.

"I'm sure there's more, but I don't pay attention as well as you do.

"All in the same trip of the sun. I'm sure we missed my ego, when we packed up my things."

Urshawn stops and pulls Erray to sit on a bench with him at the corner of the balcony. They hear music faintly from the streets below.

Urshawn collects both of Erray's hands and looks him in the eyes, "Don't ever believe I will not provide for you all I can. In all the minutes I have existed, there has never been a soul I have cherished more.

"How can I explain?

"Perhaps... There is a Lorady coming here... that's huge. Massive matters of Aden and Provinces. All of mankind may one day be affected by whatever happens while she's here.

"Yet, all the worry in me of it, is of you. A feminine Lorady, how will I compete?

"I know there are heavier matters to it, but I can't see beyond the risks to you.

"This is why Belle insists I must resolve these issues, before I make the mistakes my Lord and Lady have."

Erray smiles and tries not to notice how much closer their heights are sitting. "Makes sense she would, but you don't make sense. You are greatness in grand form. I'm..."

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