Chapter 18, Where

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Lamica gets them a horse drawn taxi. He doesn't help Erray climb up the high step into the raised open carriage, but stay close to be sure if he needs help Lamica can without anyone noticing.

Lamica tells the round driver, "Eastern barn site. How much?"

The driver looks to Erray, "You the Sage?"

Erray nods, "Yes, sir."

The man laughs, "Country folk alright. I can bill the castle."

Lamica closes the foot door as he sits beside Erray on the wood bench, "Thanks. Can you take us by way of the garden plex? No stops. I'd just like him to see it."

The driver starts the horses, "Aye, Sir. I'd recommend a stop at Ersally's. She got free sample today."

Lamica nods, "Thank you. Yes, a brief stop."

Lamica points out building of interest as they travel the busy streets in the cooling air under the incoming clouds.

They stop at a bakery and Lamica fetches cinnamon sugar sticks for all three of them. The warm butter-breadstick feels as mood enhancer to Erray as they travel the city.

When the treat is gone, Erray takes Lamica's hand, "I never though I could enjoy a city."

Lamica kisses his cheek, "I read once, some wise man said, it's not about where you are, but who you're with."

Erray plays it off, "Who would write such?"

The driver laughs and tells them without looking back, "That's the great Listener of Were. He lives in some village a few hours from here... writes letters about the wind from a homestead, they say severs stew that melts away the echoes of battle.

"I've a cousin sends me letters of his letters. If ya'd like to read them."

Erray laughs quietly to Lamica, then asks, "Are you a listener, friend?"

The driver nods, "I try. Not a great listener. I normally get two or three topics a wind. I tried night wind once, never will again."

Erray smiles about it for awhile before Lamica whispers to him, "Are you going to tell him?"

Erray smiles more as he shakes him head, making Lamica laugh.

Erray is sure it must be past midday with they stop before a broken, but new wood gate.

The driver tells them, "Here's your stop. If you want a ride back, I need to know. You're not likely to find a taxi round here."

Lamica offers his hand as Erray surveys the height to join him on the dirt.

Erray shakes his head, then jumps down without use of the step.

Lamica informs Erray, "We can get a horse back."

Erray nods, then looks to the driver, "Thank you, sir. Might I have your name, please?"

The round man laughs once, "So polite. Name's Tasamual. And yours?"


The driver makes an odd face, "Well aren't I the castle clown."

Erray shrugs, "Would have spoiled the perfect ride to tell ya. I'll try to remember to tell my mother there was tell of her stew on city streets."

Tasamual laughs, "Tell her too, there is tell of her beauty with more wonder than her stew."

Lamica moves to speak with a knight, so Erray waves to the driver and follows his boyfriend.

He catches up as the knight reports, "The bull broke it. He put some holes in the fencing, too. Totally took down the one shared for the grazing field.

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