Chapter 51, Ready

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Lamica dresses in the washroom and braids his hair.

He finds Erray working at the smithing setup, for a kiss then hurries to Old Chap's room.

Work makes Erray feel normal again.

He builds sliding mirrored door for the washroom cave and his bedroom.

He gets knights to help him take down one of the front doors and rehang it to swing the other way.

He writes out his assignments in two hour sessions with physical work between.

He lets his wilds help him whenever they find him.

When Lamica returns from six plus hours of basic training with his Fairy volunteers, he skips dinner and falls asleep on Erray's bed pillow while Erray is still writing.

Urshawn comes to let them know he's got to go back to his day job.
He wakes Lamica for kissing, too, before he goes.

Erray writes for most of the early morning hours, then slips out to investigate what's been done outside.

An awning has been added to cover the entry and chicken coop.
A short masonry wall curves the forming path to give the hens a nice yard.

Erray enjoys the sound of the rain on the wood and metal, so he sits on the ground, leaned to the vent house to relax.

Erray has enjoyed a long quiet time, when his wilds all start coming out.

He not surprised as Shadow is the first to notice him.

She comes and sits beside him, "We caluated the wind will come during sunrise this morning."

Erray is pleased, "I figured to give you all a couple of days to get moved in and get to know each other.

"Plus, give me time to catch up and form lessons.

"You all don't seem to want to wait."

They give a small laugh, in it most of the Seer comment on being too excited to wait.

Hertank waits for them to mostly settle, "There's still a lot of vague on what some of us are to be doing."

Erray informs him, "You are checkpoint commander, basicly your in charge of comings and goings of everything and everyone.
"You get room and board for that.
"You have whatever being in the army gets you, too.
"I believe you are to be tranfered to the Were Army Lamica is building.

"I'm not sure when they are starting that."

Hertank informs him, "I'm not sure either.

"I know Urshawn tried to made Lamica a general, but he debated.
"Not sure what they settled on.

"I think only folk with the Were can transfer to him, but he says you still haven't told him how yet."

"I wrote it out after he went to sleep.
"I'm sure there will be a statement or something.

"Who else is unsure of their placing?"

Shadow asks, "I'm a student or a hopeful?"

"Neither, you are an instructor.
"You get paid room and board and can attend all classes you wish.
"You have private lesson with me, so I can explain to you how advanced a listener you actually are."

Erjackson asks, "What about me?"

Erray offers, "You have options, if you wish to remain a knight in either army, you are welcome to attend the classes you like.

"You've been assigned to me, so you may live here with the same expectations as a monk.

"If you are willing to resign from service, you can be my apprentice."

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