Chapter 16, The Rules

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Erray rolls his eyes and softly fusses, "Now? Really?"

Lamica laughs in his hand as Erray yells, "Can ya come back in five minutes?"

Louder knocking is his answer.

Erray huffs as he goes to the door, "What can't wait?"

He opens the door and Lauriah scolds, "Told you once already. Let me be more clear."

He pokes the door hard with one finger, knocking it out of Erray's grip, "This door does not open if you don't know who is on the other side. Should I write it down for you?"

Erray comments, "You're in a bad mood."

Lauriah fusses, "It's supposed to be my day off, but instead of snuggling with my beautiful woman, I'm fetching you like a trained dog."

He grabs Erray by the bicep and points at Lamica, "Rooster, too. Let's go."

Lamica hurries after them as Lauriah drags Erray down the corridor as fast as he can stay on his feet.

Erray fusses, "Slow down. What's going on?"

Lamica worries at the guards on high alert as they rush to the stairs.

Lauriah says nothing, but does slow on the stairs.

When he takes the third floor, Erray questions, "Did my mother send you to get me?"

Lauriah clears his throat, but says nothing.

Lamica sounds very nervous, "His place is on the other way."

Lauriah brings them to an open guarded door.

Lamica gives a nervous laugh in his nose as Erray questions, "Is this Herpaul's apartment?"

Lauriah taunts, "What? Too drunk to recall where you left your crown?"

Lauriah lets go of him at the doorway. "It wasn't like that."

Parmaria comes out onto the threshold, "What's wrong, Erray? You sound panicked."

Lauriah loses his laugh, then admits, "I scared the crap out of them both."

Parmaria smiles, "You're mean."

She pulls Erray gently by the arm and guides him past her into the apartment as she happily scolds, "Shame on you, Lauriah. You get or I'll tell Farsarah you were bullying them."

Lauriah laughs as he pulls Lamica by the arm to her, "I'm'a go tell her all about it now."

Parmaria guides Lamica in and shuts the door, "Sorry about him. We thought you were here cause of rumor and the crown. We're in the back."

She gives each of them a gentle push to get them moving.

Lamica follows Erray down the fire lit hallway to the sounds of laughter coming from the back room.

Erray's brain is slow to process what they find is happening. Herpaul in reclined on a pillow, he lost his shirt and shoes and is watching Fartommy and Urshawn wrestle on the rug.
Fartommy has also lost his shirt and shoes.
They are all laughing, Fatommy is near hysterical as Urshawn tickles him.

Parmaria walks around the shocked newcomers. She sits on a pillow and Erray realizes she's in plain black shorts and a blue top that seems to have been made by two triangles tied about her.
She has little makeup on and her hair is freashly brushed, but no more and no crown.

She tucks her bare feet under her butt as she teases, "You couldn't keep them under control? I wasn't in the washroom even five minutes."

Herpaul shrugs, "I can get them back for you."

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