Chapter 38, Wolves

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Erray orders, "Have them bring wood for bonfire."

Pajay informs them, "It is all soaked."

Erray inquires, "How do you half shift?"

Pajay fusses, "How can you not know?"

Erray admits, "Shifting is new to me, only done it like four times."

Pajay gives Lamica a concerned look.

Lamica orders, "Wolves go now for firewood, wet or green. Prepare a bonfire. Pajay, half shift and answer my wizard."

Pajay half shifts, "Shifting is like flipping... Not all can successfully, others just need practice... some will just break their own neck.
"Takes skill to stop mid flip and turn out."

Erray nods as he watches more wolves than left, return to build the bonfire. "Thanks. That's all I need."

The wet wolves sit about the stacked wood, so Erray requests, "Clear them back. I'm going to play with fire."

Lamica orders, "Move, if you fear Sage Fire."

None move.

Erray frowns at Lamica, "You are a brutal task master."

Lamica nods lightly, "Impress me."

Erray snorts air at him, then turns to the waiting wet wood.
He takes two steps closer as he makes the internal shift and blows dragon fire on the bonfire.

He holds it as long as he dares, then stops.

The dry wolves about the blazing bonfire move about with excitement.

The farther back move up and shake off the rain.

Erray shifts back and wipes the sweat from his eyes.

Lamica comes and kisses tenderly to his cheek, "I am impressed."

Erray sasses, "What? No scratch behind the ear for me?"

Lamica sasses right back, "If I scratch your ear it will be with my dick."

Erray laughs, "Make that joke too many times I'll think you're hiding a fetish."

Lamica turns out his hand, "Please, give them your orders for rats."

Erray pulls Lamica as he moves them closer to the fire, "Come along, Pajay. Warm up."

Pajay keeps Lamica between him and Erray, but moves to the warmth with them.
He squats beside a wolf with one blue eye and one brown eye.
The wolf lays down before him and Pajay pets him.
"What of rats?"

Erray is curious of the behavior, but decides it's not the time to ask. "I don't like wererats, but I've discovered I have a fondness for Fairy.

"To me the only good rat is seasoned and fried on cedarwood."

The pack gives an approving sound.

Erray nods at them, "Good meat aside, as a wizard, I know their value.

"As a Were, I know in my bones the statement that wererats are Were is an insulting assumption."

They bark and howl their approval.

Erray waits for them to settle, "Wererats that live as rats are game animals, subject to gaming seasons.

"None of the Were shall harm a Wererat that lives as a Fairy.
"No, that does not mean a shift is an escape from your teeth.
"They must give up shifting to rat to gain my protection.

"They can come and live with me if they give up shifting. I do grant them survival shifting, but no more.

"I give them sunshowers as their free movement time. When the sun shines and rain falls, anyone who kills a wererat will faceoff with mi dragon to the death.

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