Chapter 27, Change

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Erray wakes as Urshawn slips from him and off his bed pillow.

Urshawn steps into his pants only and sneaks out the door.

Erray watches Lamica's breath as he sleeps contently on Erray's belly.

Erray pulls the blanket more over Lamica muscular body for fear of the growing cold in the night air, by dying fire.

Urshawn slips back in, silently closes the balcony door, puts two logs into the hot embers, wipes his hands on the hung towel, drops his pants and gently gets back in the blankets.

He cuddles to Erray and whispers in his ear, "It's still night. Sleep more. I just had too much tea."

Erray whispers gently, "I'm not sure I can sleep. I'm sure I'm in a dream right now."

Urshawn keeps his laugh still and quiet, then whispers, "I hope he doesn't wake up mad. I'm sure we didn't rape him, but I'm sure of heavy suduction."

Erray has more trouble keeping his laugh still, but doesn't disturb Lamica.

He whispers, "I need to file a complaint to my village's Hen House. That rooster skipped a lot.

"You showed me I was even more clueless what to do with a naked man than I'd thought."

Urshawn presses his nearly silent laugh to Erray's cheek, then whispers, "There are no have-to's to intamicy, ya know. I know you were doing fine without me. I guarantee no rooster has had complaints with you."

Erray kisses quietly at his lips, then whispers, "Was trying to sass a thank you. So your plan worked perfectly. You got us both."

Urshawn whispers franticly in Erray's ear, "I'd not planned a subduction of this magnitude, love.

"I thought after dinner he'd shy out. I didn't anticipate he'd come at me like that. I figured the rain would be over before I'd got this far with him.

"He just kept kissing me, then you got your hands on us and I was lost to the skin.

"That's why I'm worried he'll be mad. I'm very worried he'll feel I treated him as a rooster."

Erray kisses Urshawn's hair and softly tells him, "Don't fret, Beloved. Watch this."

Erray touches Urshawn's shoulder, then directs his attention to Lamica.

Erray flips the blanket from his naked knight, then caresses his hair.

Lamica stretches out his legs and rubs his feet together as he yawns. Then Lamica opens his beautiful eyes and looks to them watching him. He blushes and turns his face to Erray's belly.

Urshawn whimpers, "Damn, that was amazing."

Erray laughs, "Warned you he's a heart rush."

Lamica pulls the blanket over his body, "Are you two picking on me?"

Urshawn sounds in shock, "No, we're redefining terms of love and attraction."

Erray laughs his words, "That's poetry for, you sprine our manhood just waking up."

Lamica smiles as he fusses, "You two have gone silly."

Urshawn happily fusses, "Happens to me when I get snagged up in my own persuit."

Erray teases, "That's ego for, you snatch him good the second you knew he was interested."

Lamica laughs softly for a moment, "Was like the rain coming on. There didn't seem to be anything else to be done, but ride out into it."

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