Chapter 45, Recess

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When everyone has reseated, Farsarah has Jicky restart the quill.

When it moving, Farsarah asks, "Before you start, will you explain your tittle to me, please?"

Mahelen gets up and moves to the open space between Shadow and the tables.

"Of course.

"If it's all the same, I'll talk from here. Public speaking isn't a normality for me.

"One table feels more like a briefing."

Farsarah nods, "No problem."

Her tone is very flat and she is reminiscent of knights giving reports, "Technician Senor Supervisor balances out like a general.
"I answer to the Senior Technologist, who only answers to Urshawn.

"Basicly, I'm to battle tech as Fartony is to the watch.

"I was asked to brief you on the Were Cash.

"It's very standard, nothing like what Musk Province has.
"We've the personal home computer... your standard home filing system.
"The parts for a few prototype laptop, phones, lines, networks and an array of twenty century gadgets from last Age.

"The rest of the Cash is all Dranois style tech... handheld everything.

"Uses aura as power source with minimal elecrto-magnetic production.
"Not for the common folk use.

"Without the Were, a simple flashlight will knock out an average man in thirty minutes, women do a litte better.

"Officers have a beacon implanted in their trench that's minuit and anyone will tell you, an hour in a coat is a full day's work.

"The hardest drain is the soul-swords.

"Urshawn can duel with one for a couple hours, but only generals have ever tried and they last about ten minutes.

"Our record holder is here.
"Fartony can duel with one for a full eight before his drain is visable.

"Only item issued to knights is their flare gun.

"All officers get one when they learn their trench.
"Most pass out when they fire it.

"Will that do, Urshawn?"

He nods, "I think so, but I'd like you to take questions from Mayajap before a call for questions."

Mahelen turns around, "Sure, what's ya got, shiny knight?"

Mayajap inquires, "How tuned are your bow strings?"

Mahelen tilts her bunned hair, "We have a few thousand, but how do they tune?"

Mayajap blows out her cheeks, "Low range is canon shot, high is feather tip.
"You have to tune to scale before you fire a sonic boom.

"What of your drones?
"Do you have any pilots?"

Mahelen turns back to Urshawn, "Herpaul was right... We don't know our lazers from our cans on string.

"Requesting Musk assistance."

Urshawn nods, "Mayajap has already made a list for me to request. Just need a department head to put in a request."

Mahelen snorts, "I'll put it in as soon as I finish my plate of crow."

Urshawn laughs, "Thanks. You're reasonable when convinced."

She sasses, "I got big ego, doesn't mean I can't say... my bad."

Urshawn laughs, "No point in questions. Have a seat."

Farsarah waits for her to get back to her seat, "Feels like a lot of questioning, but no question wants to form."

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