Chapter 31, Dragon

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They follow Erray out onto the balcony, under the cover about the remains of candles and romance.

Urshawn worries, "Love, the dragon form hasn't been achievable in many Ages. It is the ultiment level of wizard."

Lamica chuckles, "Backwards, remember?"

Erray has a relaxed laugh, "Exactly. To me it seems the easiest, plus it can ease my mind in using instinct to insure my success."

Lamica states firmly, "Don't you dare."

Urshawn worries, "What do you mean, Erray?"

Erray considers, "Does that mean I'm more in tune with muscle than brain?"

Lamica fusses a forced calm tone, "No, instinct is."

Erray nods, "That makes sense. Wish me lucky."

He turns and runs up the bench, onto the wall, runs and jumps out to pass the catch net.

Lamica is nearly grasping him as he clears the net.
Urshawn a second behind.

Alarm sounds as the catch net electrifies.

Erray looks to the coming ground and lets his instinct for survival shift his form, but nothing happens.

The instant he fears he misscalulated, heat burns his heart.

It spreads wildly through him.

He mental screams as he strains in burn and fatigue.

Then he snags up and flaps his wings.

Feet from the ground he snatches up his Loradies, one in each clawed hand.

His spiked tail nips the cobblestone street as he flies up through the straight down rain.

Urshawn calls into his struggles, "Release the heat, Erray. You're burning up."

Erray feels it, but too much is happening between his body self identifying as an armoured flying lizard and his mind's plundering of Universal Knowledge.

Lamica crawls from his grip and up his arm. He sits as on horse over Erray's shoulder. He scratches with both hands up and down Erray's bulky neck and shouts, "Open your mouth!"

Erray's trust complies and Lamica scratches hard at the scaled armour skin.

Erray twitches at the irritation and contracts his neck muscles. The heat explodes out his mouth in a violent eruption of hot fire. It blasts hard and Erray turns it upwards for free of harming his treasured passengers.

The column of fire pierces the dark cloud cover and burns through it.

When the heat of his body has turned cold, the fire blast eases off to no more than a few yards from him.

His mind can't find Universe Knowledge and he feels very much like waking up from a night of careless drinking.

Erray stops his fire-breathing, circles back and lands on his feet on the fat balcony wall.

He gently puts Urshawn under the cover and lets him hop to his feet himself.

Lamica kisses Erray's scaled neck then stands on his shoulder, jumps to Erray's waiting hand and springs into a tight flip to land on his feet beside Urshawn.

Erray looks over his shoulder at the long line of sunshine like spotlight and mind speaks, "Opps."

Lamica leans to Urshawn to stay on his feet as he laughs with all he has.

Urshawn shakes his head, "Do you know how to shift back?"

Erray considers, finds an instinct and shifts back.

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