Chapter 34, Break

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They are still bathing in awe when Farsarah returns with Dirk still on her shoulder.

She looks them over, then tells Erray, "It's time for the break."

Erray has a deep breath, "I've some left in me, but you'll have to round it off for me."

Farsarah offers, "I could just do it, if you like."

Erray shakes his head, "I need to do it, but darn it up for me."

She nods, "Hurry up than."

Erray looks up into the ether, then back at himself. "Alright, I have to get to bath and bed pillow.

"I can't See the ublette anymore so Parmaria has it in hand.

"Dirk is coming with me, but we will return for the super batch, just send for us.

"Urshawn, I need supplies in my hole and lavander."

Urshawn nods once, "You have everything you listed and more. I will fill your hole with lavender if you like."

Erray smiles at him, "I just need a bouquet.

"Lamica, I've kept you from everything. Please, go tend your family, then come and keep me warm. Tomorrow we go for hunt and show of quest."

Lamica nods once, but says nothing.

Erray blinks away his tiredness, "Herpaul, please rest regain your strength then come find me in my hole."

Herpaul nods, "We are overdue."

Erray touches Parmaria's back, "Beautiful, pl..."

She turns and hugs about his neck, kissing him.

She slides from him, "Sorry, didn't want to wait to the end of the line again."

Erray laughs under his breath, "I was going to ask if you would kiss me before you go off to your tasks."

She shrugs, "Sure, I'll do that."

She brings her lips back to his and he holds her close as they kiss.

Farsarah taps his shoulder, "Ready for me to takeover?"

Erray lets Parmaria slip from him and fusses, "No, I need to order territory first, then you get to give orders."

Farsarah playfully fusses, "Come on than, I want my turn."

Erray fights his smile off, then orders, "The underground of Urshawn's castle city it called of by treaty. Non-castle underground is neutral territory. A shared space where knights police. Castle underground is transitional space. Where fairy and human learn of each other."

Erray moves to put an arm around each of his Loradies, "Alright Mother, your turn."

Farsarah nods once, "Mayajap, down that tea, now.

"Herpaul, kitchen you've chores.

"Lauriah, fetch Urjohn.

"Lamica, send your parents to me when your done checking on them.

"Parmaria, I need a bath basket and Tabethany, please.

"Urshawn, a piglet skin dried, but not tanned. Get Erray drinking water that has not been in copper pipes, let him order with your tailor himself and get him two bails of honeygrass.

"Erray and Belle, sleep."

Belle giggles as she lays down, "Ah, she plays favorites."

Farsarah points a smile at her, "I most certainly don't. I play favored-rights."

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