Chapter 42, The Beginning

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Erray turns in his bowl in the busy kitchen to Ersally.

Then Erray goes by the fire and sits on Urshawn's lap, "Where'd Lamica run off to? My fit didn't scare him off, did it?"

Urshawn holds him loosely, "No, my love. Mother sent him on an errand. She said you'd be lost in thought for a couple of hours."

Erray informs him, "I've learned a lot. My brain and mind have become comrades at arms.

"Only took me a minute to understand what happen.

"I drew a blank card.

"Unfortunately, to survive I had to let my mother take it.
"Hopefully, she is conscience or karmatic enough to know a good use for a void.

"There is now a void card in my deck and I used the power card she gave me, to lock down my power and comic abilities until I have the strength to safely use them again.

"The mental illustration is in fact the most powerful tool I will ever have.

"At the end of everyday of the Age of Arma Gedeon that I am sane, it's thanks to you and your word choice."

Urshawn pets his hair, "I can take no credit for your greatness. I'm just lucky you let me come along in your life with you."

Erray lays to him and they listen to the busy kitchen.

Their contentment is gently ended when Farsarah states from the cave opening, "Kitchen is close, My Lorady. We're all set up in a class cave. Please, bring Erray."

They get to their feet and join the exiting little ones.

Farsarah leads them up to a cave and gestures them in, "I took over this one, Erray."

Erray goes in and frowns, "Tables? I said, no tables."

Three large tables are set in a line sticking in towards the middle, they are full round on three sides of family and friends.

Another table straight ahead loaded with writing supplies, but the end clear with one empty chair.

Facing the three, long ways is a table with three spaced seats. Belle sits on the close end with her Seers tools.

Farsarah goes to the far end of the facing table, "Erray, your on the side line."

He moves for his assigned seat.

Farsarah addresses the gathering, "All stand as our Lorady takes his seat."

Everyone stand formally as Urshawn frowns from the entry, "I don't like such, Farsarah."

She firmly tells him, "You put me in charge, it's no longer up to you. You will stomach our respect. Come and sit."

Urshawn's lips fuss about, but he walks proudly to the last available chair beside her.

As he sits, he genuinely tells them, "Thank you all."

Farsarah speaks very normally, "Please be seated."

She waits the seconds for everyone to sit and return their attention to her.

"Regaurdless of our familiarities, we must maintain order.
"The structures of royalty and nobility are latent knowledge.
"It is not sustainable, but for now it will carry us as we chart our course.

"Academics is not my preferred format, but the most powerful minds here are academics.
"To me, the only sane choose is to play to their strengths.
"They will accidentally carry the rest of us through.

"We'll start by the door and snake order through to Erray.
"You may sit or stand. Give a report of your work and skills.
"Then answer questions.

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