Chapter 36, Windy

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Erray waits while Lamica braids and knots his hair.

Lamica grabs the formed square packs and Erray holds the drape for him.

They hurry up to the entry and Erray suggests, "You should ride me to the castle. Saves a lot of time."

Lamica laughs nervously in his pink cheek.

Erray considers for a moment, then happily fusses, "Go back and get your head off the bed pillow."

Lamica laughs a little more, "Sorry. You mean mount you."

Erray laughs, "Ya can't fix it now, only make it worse. I'll just shift and snatch you up."

Lamica laughs more, "You're right, once you turn south, it's all downhill."

Erray pushes the door out, "Come on, we have royalty to entertain."

Lamica follows him out into the heavier rain.

They stay under the eave, Lamica leans to whisper worry in Erray's ear, "There's wind and it's colder than end of season."

Erray feels fussy, "It's not the Wind, it's just breezy. I guess blizzards are colder and windy."

Lamica worries, "Babe? He said weeks to build up. If just this keeps up, how will the Were survive in the forest?"

Erray fusses, "We'll be lucky to survive in a castle. Wait here, I'm going to shift."

Erray runs out into the mud and shifts. He reaches back with his clawed hand and Lamica gives him the packs.

Erray mind speaks, "I meant you."

Lamica calls out, "I want to mount you."

Erray dumps the packs into a rider cup. He snorts his annoyance and humor, it comes out as a puff of red smoky fire from each nostril.

Lamica laughs a wild kind of joy as he runs and leaps to the hung rope.
He climbs it up pass the cup. He climbs the harness and up over Erray's scaled shoulder blade.

Erray fusses. "How high you going, wild man?"

Lamica laughs more, "Gonna stick my dick in your ear cause I can't figure out where else to put it."

Erray gurgles in his belly. "You better not."

Lamica tries getting a grip about his neck, but he can't relax and stay.
He moves to straddle Erray's shoulder. He hugs to his scaly neck with his whole body, "Damn, Babe, you're even sexy as a dragon."

Erray gurgles his deep laugh while Lamica plays lust at his neck.

"Alright, we do have shit to do today. Are you sure you're stable there?"

Lamica hangs his legs, "As stable as bareback on a horse. Just don't buck me and my manhood will stay put."

Erray snorts fire again as his laugh surprises him. "You're in a mood."

Erray shrugs his shoulder about to test his balance.

To his surpise, Lamica lets go and only wiggles about.

Erray turns his shoulder to see if he'll fall, but he just looks worried.

"I think my manhood is stuck on you."

Erray teases. "Good to know."

Lamica fusses, "Now who's on the bed pillow? I don't think I can fall accidently. Some kind of Will-magic, maybe?"

Erray fusses. "Magic is a debatable term. I think when I'm intune with a rider they can move about on me with no risk of fall."

Lamica wonders, "Where's the rain?"

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