Chapter 17, For the Win

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Herpaul and Fartommy reclaim their shirts to serve them all bread bowls of a heavy on the beef steak stew with apple and stawberry blended juice.

They enjoy the meal quietly, then Herpaul clears the dishes back to the kitchen. He refills their juice cups and brings in a pitcher of water.

They sit about the one table with their drinks. Parmaria offers, "Would you like me to wash the dishes for you?"

Herpaul adjusts his pillow to recline to the wall, "No, thank you. They can wait."

Urshawn rubs Herpaul's knee, "Thank you for feeding us."

Erray adds, "Yes, it was amazing."

Herpaul shakes his head, "You are most welcome."

Urshawn takes hold of Parmaria's hand, "As to the pages you three wrote yesterday... you're very ambitious. I like your over all plans, but somethings bother me.

"Most strongly, your personal security. I know Belle has her reasons, but I don't like not having my own full officers, with experience on each of you. I'd like to assign you security. "

Parmaria debates, "We need our absolute trust in them. I know you want your trust in them, but that won't do us any good."

Erray debates, "I've no special trust in Mayajap."

Parmaria shakes her head, "We Saw her coming. You don't want to make Belle mad.

"We also Saw, she is critical to your success. She will always be your most devoted student. She will never hesitate to defend you."

Erray persists, "I already have a mother. Who has killed to defend me. I sense no reason to give her more credit than any other average knight I've met. She's just exotic."

Parmaria flares her eyes, "Maybe she should be your girlfriend instead."

Herpaul snickers, "You're all right, about security. Doesn't Lauriah have some kind of vibe test? That proves loyalty."

Urshawn shakes his head, "It's not his test, it's mine and it only proves loyalty and intentions to me. I give him a report on it and that's what he records."

Lamica questions, "I expected to have to take it when I got my trench tag, but it didn't happen that I know of."

Urshawn shakes his head, "I only do it if there's doubts about someone at both trench levels. Only the royal circle has to."

Parmaria questions, "Royal circle? Isn't that us, plus Lauriah."

Urshawn nods, "Yes, but Fartommy and Lamica just got to the party. Lauriah will start hounding me to do theirs soon, too."

Herpaul looks thoughtful, "Have we done the test?"

Urshawn looks concerned, "You and Parmaria have. It won't help with what we need here anyway. We need a way to insure you three's security."

Erray shakes his head, "Yours come first. Test me."

Urshawn frowns at him, "I don't need to test you, Erray. It's just a formality. It's oddly intimate and I'm not sure I can even test you.

"I have to remain calm and focused as I push your vibration frequency to exaltation range. I don't think I can remain calm doing such to you."

The crowned heads fail to fight off their laughter as Lamica and Fartommy silently ask the other to explain the joke.

Parmaria recovers first, "Now there's a challenge. I say, hold off for awhile and it will get more achievable. Maybe wait to test Lamica for a while, too. But, I'll order snacks and beer if you'll let us watch you test Fartommy."

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