Chapter 43, Table Two

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The front table remains in the cave as everyone else goes out for a stretch and freshening up.

When everyone has regained their seats, Farsarah asks Jicky to restart the quill.

As she does Farsarah calls on Erterri.

The cute little woman doesn't get much taller when she stands to report of the completion and stocking of Farsarah's chunk wagon.

She sits as she adds, "All you need is horses."

Urshawn states, "The Province will provide them."

Farsarah calls for questions and Ersally says, "Aye."

She waits for Farsarah's nod.

"Why a wagon? I thought we wanted to do a tavern style."

Erterri shrugs, "That's what my orders said to do."

Belle informs them, "That was my meddling. Makes her mobile without questions."

Farsarah calls for questions and gets none.

"You're next, Mayajap."

Mayajap stands and clasps her hands behind her, "I came as the highest ranked Listener of Musk, in defiance of direct order to wait for the convoy.

"I have already complied my debriefing with the Man at Arms.

"I direct any question to him and will answer any he has."

She sits and Farsarah wonders, "That seems odd."

Urshawn nods, "It is.
"She turned over everything... a full defection, took our officer's oath and swore her life to the Lost Lorady.

"She's been writing the most thorough intel reports I've ever read."

Erray questions, "Why is a defection required from an ally?"

She doesn't respond, so Lauriah states, "She's under direct orders not to acknowledge such questions.

"But, I can't protect you forever, eventually you are going to have to explain.

"Now's not bad company for that."

Urshawn offers, "I don't think you should have to publicly.
"I'll concent to you answering in these meeting, but I will not allow follow up questions and it stays in this meeting."

Mayajap stands once again, "The order to remain was from the Lady of Musk.

"She is in power in Musk Province.

"The Musk Lorady is unaware of her clandestine operations or her seductions of his top officers.

"The Lord of Musk Province is a partying fool with no interest in governing. There is no one at the top to stop her or control her.

"The convey is an attack.

"The Musk Lorady is unaware as his attentions are mostly on the man Musk and trying to understand him, why he exists and how to protect him.

"I came with the call as the Wind long ago told me of the Lost Lorady. Of all the Wind has told me, nothing is more pure of Aden than the Lost Lorady.
"The Eye in Musk told me the Wind Listener of Were couldn't only guide to understand the Wind's want of me, but also he will find the Lost Lorady."

Erray questions as she sits, "Wasn't she there?"

Farsarah fusses, "Not for that. She must have been too busy to catch it. She'll get caught up before the next stretch. Since there's no more questions allowed, Macollin."

He stands, "Not sure I've much of a report. I have squatting Were and have been assigned to the monastery.

"I'm not much of a listener for Wind, but I do enjoy it."

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