Chapter 12, The Lady

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The tender loving morning is interrupted by a hard knock on the door.

Urshawn calls out, "Who is it?"

"Lauriah. Knights are fussy. You're overdue for breakfast and duty."

Urshawn laughs, then calls to him, "Urshawn isn't home. Barade and Erray will give him your message if he comes back."

Erray covers his laugh and they hear Lauriah's laugh move off.

Erray softly tells him, "I don't think they will let you stay in here with me all day."

Urshawn gets from the bed pillow, "I'd love to, but I can't let me either."

Erray watches the Lorady's muscular body of beautiful skin, disappear under his clothes.

Erray softly asks, "You have been a knight a long time, yet there is only one scar on your body. Is that normal for knights?"

Urshawn turns his back away from Erray's view to remove the crescent scar from his view, "No. Most knights have many scars. Loradies don't scar from most things. I have had that scar for five years, six mouths and some odd days."

Erray sits up and considers, "If the old calender was in use, that's about the purple fog."

Urshawn pulls his fresh shirt over his head and retrieves his hair from it.

Then the Lorady sits and leans close to softly tells his Sage, "I got it about two hours before the reset began. I was horned by a mystic's bull. Takes a lot to scar a Lorady.

"I will tell you the whole tale at the end of the Age of Arma Gedeon."

He kisses Erray firmly and it feels to Erray to be a period to end any discussion of his scar.

Urshawn goes for his shoes, "Are you staying naked on my bed pillow all day? Gonna make it hard for me to concentrate today."

Erray laughs as he gets out of bed, "No, I have to go see my mother before she sends Lauriah to drag me to her."

Erray dresses as Urshawn combs out his long hair with his fingers, even though it really didn't need it.

Urshawn puts his crown on, then takes up Erray's, "Don't forget this. You don't have to wear it all the time."

Erray gently takes it, "I love it. I need to practice with it. Can it work constantly?"

Urshawn considers, "Possibly. It won't work more than you can handle. I guess, if you built up your mind enough, constantly is possible. You don't need to."

Erray puts it on, "I need a lot of practice if I'm going to get Arma Gedeon's riddles. They are there, but I could barely pick them out.

"I have to master them before I get old. Who wants to live forever as an old man? You're too gorgeous to be stuck with some wrinkled old guy."

Urshawn laughs ridiculously and sits on the bed pillow, "Come here, you silly Sage."

Erray happily comes close, "Thought you had to go?"

Urshawn pulls him to sit on his leg, "Once there was a meeting. In it, fifteen Loradies were instructed by a Master. They lived a hundred years in that meeting as the folk of Aden waited for one hundred seconds in a purple mind fog.

"Much was taught, not sure if it all was learned by all. I guarantee you I was at the top of the class.

"As to the riddles you seek, they were not explained, but each was required to resite them flawlessly every day the last twenty years.

"Every Lorady knows them, but also that if they win the Age of Arma Gedeon the personal loves they hold will need no riddles for life and be one with their youth... it's part of the prize package."

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