Chapter 37, Were Forest

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Lamica gets the last of his clothing on, then Urshawn gets the door and follows them out to the busy corridor.

Lauriah orders loudly, "Quiet down. Lorady coming through."

Urshawn waits the moment for quiet, "Yes, I'm late everyone. Let them through and you can all come along on my walk and I will address all I can in route."

Erray tugs on his shirt, "You forgot to kiss me."

Urshawn's tone teases, "I would never. Was gonna walk with you as far as our paths align, then kiss you."

Urshawn comes for kiss, but stops short and lets Erray kiss him.
Erray keeps it short for the crowd.

Erray moves and Lamica goes to follow him.

Urshawn gentle grabs Lamica's arm, "Hey?"

Lamica turns back, "I'm in uniform, Commander."

Urshawn pulls him close, "I could order you out of it."

Giggles and covered laughs about worry Lamica, so he pecks once at Urshawn's lips when he comes for kiss.

Urshawn sighs out his nose, then lets go of Lamica.

Erray fusses with annoyance, "Ya can't go on quest like that.
"Kiss him right or I'll find another knight to ride me into the forest.
"I'm not taking that kind of vibe."

Lauriah taunts, "He's too shy for such. I'll ride the dragon."

Lamica gives them both a piercing glare, then slips like water into Urshawn's arms and sultry kiss.

Their audience hold their breath as one, until Lamica slips from Urshawn's lips, then they exhale a gust of lust.

Lamica moves to Erray with bold steps, "Shall we go."

Erray leans to him, "That could have only been hotter if you had your hair down."

Lamica gets him moving with his arm around him. They don't hurry and hear the conversation behind them.

Urshawn asks, "Are you alright?"

Lauriah whines, "No, I think I hate that guy, or want to mount him. Got a bag I can vomit in?"

Erray laughs as they go down the stairs, "Let's not tell my mother he said that."

Lamica asks as they come out on the chambers level, "Did you want to see the tailor or sass the Lady first?"

Erray feels very happy as he tells, "Tailor first. I've no guess where to find him."

Lamica informs him, "His chambers are acrossed from hers, per her request."

Erray nods to the notion, "She's very practical."

Lamica rolls his eyes, "She just likes not waiting for delivery. His front rooms are his shop."

Lamica knocks on the door and the tailor calls out, "I'm closed for royal orders today."

Lamica calls in, "I bring the Sage for pick up."

"Why, Lamica? I thought we were friends."

Lamica looks to Erray, "What's that about?"

Erray shrugs, "Maybe, he doesn't like me."

Lamica frowns at him and the tailor calls out, "Well, bring him in and end my career already. A knight should know better than to make a man suffer."

Lamica pushes in the door and Erray follows him in.

There are hung dresses and clothes all about the room, a large boxy with mirriors chandelier over a centered table.

The tailor looks stressed as he presses a rag at the laid out once black trench coat.
The green ink has stained the rag.

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