Chapter 15, The Party

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Herpaul holds his apartment door and the three nervous, drunk and stoned men catiously come in.

The apartment is the same as Lauriah's, but flipped.

The large entry room has one half curtained off with a beautiful multicolored stitched geometric patterned drapes. They hang from iron rings on an iron rod, just shy of the ceiling. The bottom tassels miss the floor rug by no more than an inch.

The other side has a low square wood table with five padded stools in a half circle about it by the wall. An iron chandelier hangs over the table in easy reach standing.

The space is dark, warm and smells wonderfully of lavender, sage and cinnamon.

Fartommy lights the chandelier with his small torch, then goes into the hallway and lights the long shelf of oil.

He goes into the kitchen space as Herpaul tells the two men who've not visited him before, "I don't order my rooms as most folk. This is my sleeping room. Come and see my guest space."

They follow him down the hall and see that Fartommy is lighting the kitchen fires.

Herpaul lights a small torch in the hallway and opens the door that would be the master room in Lauriah's apartment.

Herpaul leaves the door open as he goes in and lights the mounted torches, then the waiting fireplace.

The room is furnished beautifully... all fancy rugs and beautiful floor sitting pillows.

There are two low square tables one has ash trays and a wooden box. The other a tray of overturned crystal cups.

Erray softly tells Lamica, "I've read about this, it's a lotus trap. We're done for."

Lamica gives a nervous laugh as Herpaul takes the torch back to the hall. He leans back into the room, "The other sleeping room has suplies and things. There's instruments if you want to goof off. I'll have food quickly. Make yourself at home."

Fartommy comes to him, "Lit the washroom. Did you want the other room lit?"

Herpaul gently takes the torch, "No, thank you. Please, entertain my guests while I cook."

Fartommy fusses, "Your guests? What am I than?"

Herpaul smiles, "The person besides me to spend the most time here."

Herpaul goes down the hall and Fartommy comes in smiling, "Well, that's good to know. Ya two do realize he's drunker than all of us put together, right?"

Erray tries to sit on a pillow, but it smashes in and he flounders.
They all laugh as he gets turned on his side and tries to make it look suave, ridiculously. "That's crazy. I'm not even sure I didn't pass out when you spun me around a billion times."

Lamica steadied himself better, then just lays over on his side to get on the pillow. "Why'd you let him talk us into strawberry beer, Fart-army?"

Erray laughs in the pillow as Fartommy kicks the bottom of Lamica's boot, "Didn't know you to were drinking newbies. Ya know, you both look like easy pickings to me."

Lamica playfully whispers loudly, "They're gonna rape us all night."

Erray whispers loudly back, "It's not rape when we want it."

Lamica laughs in his pillow, "We're in for it."

Fartommy squats between them and speaks softly, "Shows what you know.

"You made it into the hallway, you won't see any action from our tall, dark and handsome Lord.

"Besides, your both intoxicated, he's a stickler for no first times when intoxicated. Looks like you two got stuck in the friends corner, too.

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