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Felix: *crouched on top of the fridge, swaying his tail* ..

John: *staring at him while sipping his coffee* ...

Mike: *walks in with Nat, chatting away*

Nat: *notices John* Oh hi Johnny- *looks at what he's looking at* And Feli?

Mike: *looks at them both* .. What are y'all doing?

John: Waiting for them to unfuse.

Nat: Why?

John: *sips his coffee*

Felix: He thinks we've been bad! *huffs* We did nothing bad ever!

Mike: What'd you do that wasn't bad?

Felix: Nothing! We only peed on him, it was Felix's idea!

Nat: *laughs* Why did you pee on him?

Felix: I thought it would be hot!

John: Piss went up my nose!


Johnny boy was not a happy chappy that morning [the one morning the duo got up before him]

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