Lost AU

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L. Felix: *knocks on the door*

Jamey: *opens it and glares at him* Why are you back here?

L. Felix: *glares back at him* To check on him. I'm not a monster.

Jamey: Well he's a mess-

L. Felix: Oh really? That's crazy. *stares at him*

Jamey: ... Why do you think you're from a different dimension?

L. Felix: Like I would ever tell you. *shoves past him and walks into the house*

Jamey: *grabs his arm* Felix. I'm serious. Why do you think that?

L. Felix: Because my memories and experiences don't match up with anyone else's here.

Jamey: Explain.

L. Felix: When we dated what do you remember?

Jamey: .. *thinks about it* You invited John over for dinner and that's how we met him, he was our neighbour.

L. Felix: See? I never did that, in my dimension you did that. Because you wanted to get fucked by him. *removes Jamey's hand*

Jamey: Oh.

L. Felix: Well you and Faz wanted it. If that makes you feel better.

Jamey: Oh.


L. Felix: John?

John: *looks up at him with blood shot eyes* What do you want?

L. Felix: I was coming to check on you dipshit. *hugs him* I'll find your Felix okay? I'm sorry I'm not the right one. 

John: *whines and hugs him tightly* But you are mine. You are the right one.

L. Felix: I'm not. *runs a hand through his hair and holds him close*

John: *holds onto him*


Felix: *fused with Tyler* How's your dumb little boyfriend?

John: *frowns a bit* Babe-

Felix: Oh? Now I'm your babe. *crosses his arms* That's real cute.

John: *frowns at them and tries to grab em* What if you guys did which dimension by accident?

Felix: I don't fuck up when I dimension hop thanks! *steps away from him*

John: *pauses for a moment* ..  So you do dimension hop?

Felix: Uh..

Tyler: We dimension hop?

Felix: Well..

Felix: No.

John: *narrows his eyes* Unfuse.

Felix: No!

John: Felix!


So the lost Felix is "original" Felix but original Felix now is Ty and Felix. I love it. So confusing.

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