Chapter 2

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Lee Heeseung.
Emma stares down at both the name and the advertisment. She is hesitant about this, since she doesn't know what is going to happen next, plus she feels very insecure about her skills. But then, she realizes she has left with no other choice. Her hands are trembling as she picks her phone to dial the number. As she waits for an answer her heart starts beating faster nad faster and her breath gets caight in her throat as she hears a male voice: "Hello?" the voice says and Emma takes a deep breath before ginally answers. "Hello! I am calling for the ad on the newspaper, the one that says you are looking for a maid? I wanted to know more about it, cause I am interested if the offer is still on of course" Emma says so fast that she almost forgets how to breath for a second. "Ah yes, I still haven't found someone. Would you like to pass by to talk about it in person?" The male says, making butterflies appear in her stomach from the excitement. "Of course! When should I come?" Emma says screaming silently. "How about tomorrow at noon, is that ok with you?" he says, waiting for an answer. "Yeah, it's fine! Thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow. I am Emma by the way" she says as she mentally curses herself for forgetting to introduce to the man. "I am Heeseung. I can't wait to meet you Emma. See you tomorrow, have a nice day" Heeseung says as he hungs up.

Emma stays there stunned not really
know how to react. She didn't expect such a quick response, yet she may not take the job but it's still something she keeps her motivated. She immidiately runs to her closet to find decent clothes for tomorrow, because according to her, first impressions lasts and she wants to make a good one. She finds a white top which she can wear it with a black suit mrs Lee had given to her when they first met and her formal black jeans. Emma then rushes downstairs to bring the news to mrs Lee. She knocks on her door waiting for an answer and after a few seconds she hears a quiet "come in". Emma opens widely the door then rushes to hug her mentor. "You were right mrs Lee" she says as she breaks the hug to look at her. The old lady looks at her confused but with a smile. "About what, my dear?" she asks then pulls a chair for Emma to sit. "I have a job interview tomorrow! And if it goes well, I will also have a place to live" Emma says excited as she look at mrs Lee. The lady looks at her stunned. "What do you mean? You found a place so quickly?" mrs Lee says as she takes a sip of her coffee. "The ad is about a maid job with a good salary and an offer to live at the house. I couldn't miss it especially now that the shelter is closing" Emma says but her voice fades at her last words. "That's great sweetheart" mrs Lee says as she takes her hands. "I really hope this turns out good for you" mrs Lee says as she caresses her face with love. Emma thanks her for her kind words and then she glances at the clock. "It's already past eleven. I should go to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow" Emma says as she remebers she will have to start packing soon. "Rest well dear. And don't worry about leaving. You still have time til next week, no need to rush. Let me know how the interview goes, ok?" mrs Lee says as she hugs her goodnight. "Of course. Have a good night mrs Lee" Emma hugs her back and then sxits the office.

As she enters her room and locks the door behind her, Emma falls into the bed taking a deep breath. She can't wait for tomorrow, thinking that maybe finally life is on her side for once. She is still nervous whether she'll take the job or not, but she tries to calm down as much as possible, so she can get a proper sleep. But her mind has other plans, as nightmares starts appearing in her dreams, visions of her past passing quickly inside her mind and then she sees him. He is laughing at her, holding a blonde girl in his arms as she also points at her mockingly. He passes by her as she stays there crying and begging him not to leave but he ignores her til he fades in the dark. Emma jumps frightened from the horrible nightmare as she tries to catch her breath. She puts her face into her palms as she curses, trying not to scream. Why is he still haunting her after all this time? Emma goes to wash her face with some cold water as she tries her best to calm down. After a while, when she is back at bed staring into the ceiling she takes a deep breath and says to herself "Don't panic. Tomorrow is a new day. You can do it, Emma" and then finally she drifts into a deep sleep.

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