Chapter 29

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Emma goes back and forth in her room, changing outfits constantly. She is so nervous about that date with Heeseung, even tho she knows he probably doesn't care about what she is going to wear. But still, the pile of clothes on her bed is enough to make her stressed. She knows she's late, feeling bad for making Heeseung wait for her, panic starts to build up inside her, until she slaps herself to come back to her senses. "Focus Emma" she says to herself. How can she can get so worked up over a guy? Why? Emma decides to worry about that later, even tho deep down she already knows the answer, as she quickly picks a white sleeveless top and a black skirt, accesorize it with brown belt. She looks at herself in the mirror, her silk black hair falling down her shoulders as she puts on a pair of silver earrings that Heeseung gifted her. She smiles ather reflection, as she quikly grabs her bag and makes her way downstairs.

Heeseung on the other hand, is downstairs pacing back and forth, nervously as he waits for Emma. He is panicking, he feels like something is gonna go wrong, that he will do something inappropriate and hurt her. He tries to relax, preventing himself from calling Jake and rant to him about how nervous he is at that moment. He knows he will scold him but laugh about it, so he is trying to save himself from Jake's teasing. But all of his thoughts get interrupted, as he turns around to see Emma walking down the stairs. He stays frozen at his place, completely mesmerized by her presence, he feels like a wave of light has entered the room. All of his fears fo away, as he sees Emma smiling at him, so warmly, he can feel his knees getting weak at the sight of her.

"So" Emma starts as she walks towards him shyly. "What do you think?" she asks him with a small smile, a little embarassed by Heeseung's stare on her. "You.look.stunning" Heeseung says, still completely in shock. Emma chuckles as she gently wraps her hands around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. "You look amazing as well" Emma compliments him and Heeseung can feel himself blushing at her words. He chose to wear a black t-shirt with ripped blue jeans, nothing fancy and to his liking as well. Even tho he wears suits all day at work, he actually prefers more comfortable clothes in his everyday life. "So, where are we going?" Emma asks as they make their way put of the house, to Heeseung's car. Heeseung smiles as he opens the door for her. "I know a place".

After driving for about 30 minutes, they reach a fancy restaurant near the beach. It is a Saturday night and Emma was expecting fo find it conpletely packed. But to her surprise and relief as well, she finds and empty place. "Don't tell me you booked the whole place just for us Heeseung" she laughs as she turns around to look at her lover. Heeseung smiles as he takes her hand into his, guiding her to the entrance of the restaurant. ''Ok. I won't then" he says with a smile. Emma looks at him shocked at first, as she lets Heeseung guide her to their table.

As time goes by and they continue eating and chatting, Heeseung can feel himself getting more nervous. He plays with his fingers, as he looks around frantically, like he's been searching for something, avoiding complete eye contact with Emma. "Hey, are you ok?" Emma suddenly asks him, noticing his odd behavior. She puts her hand on his, making Heeseung to raise his head and look at her. "Yes of course" he responds with a big smile, trying his best to calm his rapid heartbeat. Emma looks at him for a few seconds, as she brushes off her inner thoughts. "Should we make a toast?" Heeseung offers as he signals to the waiter before Emma can respond.

The waiter arrives, offering to the couple two glasses of champagne. "Thank you" Heeseung says wifh a smile as the waiter bows and leaves. Heeseung takes the two glasses, offering the one to Emma. "A toast" he says as they both raise their glasses, smiling to each other. "To us" Emma says with a smile, making Heeseung smile as well. "To us it is then" he says as they clink their glasses softly. As they take a sip from the tasty champagne, they make eye contact. Heeseung can feel himself getting lost in Emma's eyes. Her gaze is magnetic, as if she's capturing Heeseung under a spell and he completely surrenders himself to her. The tension between them seems to make an appearance, as Heeseung's eyes starts travelling all over Emma, his mind screaming to him to claim what's his.

Emma also feels something is in the air, but decides not to pay much attention to it at that moment. She wants to focus only on Heeseung. He is her main interest after all. Her eyes are fixed on his, neither of them say a word for a while. It feels like time has stopped around them. Emma doesn't even realize the waiter coming towards them, leaving another pair of glasses in front of them. "What are you up to?" Emma says with as a playfull smirk forms on her lips, her eyes looking at Heeseung suspiciously. Heeseung doesn'y say anything as he motions her to drink from her glass, a faint smile appearing on his face. Emma doesm't say nothing after that, as she starts drinking from her glass, nearly choking as she feels something hard like metal going down her throat.

She quickly spits the item in her hands and looks at it, realizing that she is holding a silver ring with a small white diamond on it. She stares at it in shock, as her eyes turn to Heeseung and sees him standing up from his seat, as he kneels in front of her, taking the ring to his hands. "Emma" Heeseung says as he slowly slides the ring on her finger "Will you do me the honour to be my wife" he says as he looks up at her "and make me the happiest man alive?"

Emma stares at Heeseung in complete shock. She cannot believe what is happening. A marriage proposal? And from Heeseung? She always thought that she will only experience such a thing in her fantasy. But no. Now it's happening. In real life. Right in front of her. Heeseung is right there in front of her, asking her to marry him. Emma can feels her eyes watering, her heart pumping nonstop in her chest. She knows this is real. And that's the important part. She looks at Heeseung one more time, as she grabs him by the neck and kisses him passionately.

They share this moment together, without giving a damn about the world around them. It feels like time has stopped right there and there is nobody else around but them. As they slowly break the kiss to catch their breaths, Emma interwines her fingers with Heeseung's, holding his hand tightly, before giving him her final answer.

"Yes Heeseung. I'll be your wife."

IT FINALLY HAPPENED HEHE! It was about time I think haha. Get ready for the grand finale!

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