Part 52

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Quite a bit happened in the next two weeks after Hallie and I got engaged.

Hallie turned 22- and I got a new job.

I found out I had gotten the job a day before Hallie's birthday. I had applied for it back in the beginning of August, but hadn't been called for an interview until a few days after Hallie and I got engaged.

It was to be an account manager for a healthcare and pharmaceutical company. The people interviewing me liked that I had a Biology background as well as now over a years experience in healthcare.

The job would be a remote working from home job 90% of the time. Every so often I would have to go into the office for meetings, but the large majority of my work would be from home.

I had two interviews- one over a video call, and the other in person.

I'm not going to lie- I was extremely nervous on my drive to the office for the interview, which was about a half hour away.

The man who interviewed me, Enrique, would be my direct boss. I was a bit intimated by him at first, but then as the interview went on, I felt more comfortable by the end.

When I got offered the job- and heard the salary- I knew I had to accept it.

As a Phlebotomist, I make $21 an hour. Which is not bad at all, I know there are so many that would love to make that kind of money. But when I was told at my new job, I would be making $70,000 a year to start- I knew I had to take it.

Not just for me- but for Hallie as well.

I wanted us to be able to move out and truly start our life together.

Hallie and I went for her birthday on September 5th. She wanted to do something low key- unlike going to a bar for her birthday last year.

I took her on a makeup shopping spree at Ulta. She had been running out of products- and if Hallie is a sucker for anything, it's makeup with cute packaging.

I also made reservations for us at a sushi restaurant- in fact, the same sushi restaurant that Felix  and Cora took me to after I graduated college.

Hallie sat across from me at the booth looking beautiful in a form fitting black shirt tucked into ripped boyfriend jeans. She had put some of her new makeup on in the car as well, and I could tell she loved it.

"You've been here before, right?" Hallie asked me.

"Yes, actually the night that I graduated college. I came here with Cora and Felix- and I remember Cora saying to me that she saw you eyeing me up at the graduation, after the ceremony."

Hallie smiled and said, "I was. I was nervous to see you, I thought you were going to ignore me, honestly. I was pleasantly surprised that you didn't."

"I knew I wasn't going to be able to." I said, "I'm glad that I texted you asking if you were up. I had no idea back then I was texting my future fiancé. I knew it wasn't just going to be some hookup though."

"You knew I was special, huh?" Hallie asked in a joking but sweet tone.

"You could say that." I said, smiling back at her.

We got our vegetarian sushi and we each also got a drink- I got a glass of wine, and Hallie got a Dragonfruit martini.

"To you getting a new job." Hallie said, raising up her glass.

"This is your birthday dinner." I laughed, "Forget about me. To you, turning 22."

"To both of us." Hallie said, and we clinked glasses.

Hallie and I started eating our sushi, and I then said, "So...I've been thinking a lot about us moving into a place of our own. We are both making more money now, plus Felix and Cora are having the baby next month. I know they don't mind us being there, of course. But it's less about that and more about that I'd love for us to have a place that is ours."

Hallie put down her chopsticks and smiled at me. "You know I look at apartments every day. But this feels serious- like we are really going to do this."

I nodded, "I think it's time."

Hallie then said, "I know we would have to settle in first- but can we get a cat? I know it's pretty stereotypical, a lesbian couple adopting a cat. But I've always wanted one. My mom always claimed she was allergic."

"You know- I never had a pet growing up. Not even a goldfish. My parents would never allow it. I remember Felix wanted a dog very badly, and my parents constantly told him no. I think getting a pet would be nice." I said.

Hallie's face broke into a smile, "I'm glad you'd want a cat too."

"If it'll make you happy, it'll make me happy." I said, "So- I'll start to schedule some apartment tours of places we like."

Hallie's eyes were wide with excitement. "I'm so happy we are doing this."

"Me too." I said, "We will find the right place for us."

Hallie then looked down for a moment and then said, "I know we haven't spoken much about a wedding since we got engaged, and what we will do in terms of a wedding. But...I don't think I'd actually want one. If you want one, I will absolutely do that. I don't know...what do you think? I know you didn't have a wedding the first time. If you want to, we will do that."

"Honestly, the actual wedding part doesn't matter to me. I never really imagined myself in an white dress walking down an aisle. I'd rather elope than do that." I said.

Hallie looked at me, "Should we just elope?"

I looked back at her. "I mean...I'm down if you're down."

"I know we would need a marriage license first." Hallie said, "But...that's pretty easy to obtain."

"We could get married in a week if we really wanted." I said- very much leaning toward that idea.

Hallie smiled softly and said, "I think we should really consider it."

After dinner, Hallie and I walked around the Main Street that the restaurant was on- and then I drove us back home- with a pit stop on the way.

"Can we stop at Wawa for some candy?" Hallie asked me.

"Of course." I said, "I was honestly craving some sour straws myself."

Hallie and I were in and out of Wawa in a matter of minutes. We got back into the car, and I started it. I was about to start backing out of the parking spot when Hallie said, "Alina. Wait."

I put the car in park at looked at her. "Is everything okay?"

"I told myself at the restaurant I would do this at home. But I have something for you." she said, "I've been carrying this in my purse, and I can't wait any longer to give it to you."

"What? You don't have to get me anything." I said, my heart racing.

Hallie reached into her bag and pulled out a small gold box. She then opened it up- to show a beautiful, delicate ring with a silver band a gorgeous light purple amethyst shaped as a heart.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get a diamond engagement ring. But I saw this, and I thought of you. I thought it was fitting. Your favorite color is purple- and you are truly my whole heart." Hallie said.

I felt a lump forming in my throat.

Don't cry, Alina.

"Hallie, this ring is so beautiful." I said, "I couldn't have asked for anything better."

Hallie's face broke out into a grin and she motioned for me to stick my hand out. She slid the ring on my finger, and then I brought her in for a kiss.

"I love you, Alina." she said to me.

"I love you too." I said, "So much."

I looked down at the ring on my finger and smiled. Hallie didn't have to get me a ring. I wasn't expecting one- at all.

But that's just how Hallie is.

She thinks of me- even if I am not thinking of myself.

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