Part 34

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                                                                                               Hallie's POV 

As the weeks went by, and February started going by, I made sure to keep an eye on Chloe at work after what Alina expressed concern about. 

I was still perfectly friendly to her, but I could see what Alina meant. She had a flirty personality and was the type to put her hand on your arm while you were speaking, or just make these very subtle comments letting you know she found you attractive. This was even while she was with Gray, her partner. 

The last week of February I was at work on a Wednesday afternoon, watching over the three-year old kids in aftercare with Yasmin. 

"Do you and Alina know when the guy who sent out your photos will be prosecuted?" Yasmin asked me softly. 

I had told her about what happened. I didn't include details about Alina's ex-wife, but I had told her why I got kicked out of my parent's home. 

"We are waiting to hear." I said back, "But I expect that it'll be sometime soon." 

I was dreading it. Not as much for me, but for Alina. I was worried for her, that this trial could bring up old emotions for her that would be harmful. 

"Still can't believe some fucking creep did that to you." Yasmim mumbled to me. 

In that moment, the door to the classroom burst open, and Chloe ran in- in tears. I hadn't seen her since I had come into work an hour before. 

Yasmin and I looked at each other, wide eyed. 

"Chloe, what's going on?" Yasmin asked her, as she rushed over to us, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. 

"Gray broke up with me." she said, "Right before work, of all times." 

"Oh, Chloe...I'm so sorry." I said to her.

"Thank you, Hallie." she said, sniffling. 

"What the hell happened?" Yasmin asked, "You and Gray seemed so good for each other!" 

"That's what I thought!" Chloe said, "But apparently they think that we are going in different directions in life. Gray is a few years older than me, they're 24, but I didn't realize that could cause such a rift. We got into an argument this past weekend because Gray thinks I am not as serious about the relationship, but they are wrong. I tried to explain that. But I think they're done. Gray then got angry at me because I insinuated that they met someone else." 

"What makes you think that?" I asked Chloe. 

"They started a new job at the vegan coffee shop, The Alcove, about a month ago, and they've been hanging out with some co-workers. I just got insecure and accused Gray of cheating on me. Though I know they would never." Chloe sighed. 

The Alcove. That's where Alina and I went on our first date. After I freaked out about getting lost on the way to her house. 

"You'll be okay, Chloe." Yasmin said, "We are here for you. Whether you and Gray work things out, or eventually you meet someone else, we've got your back." 

I nodded in agreement as Chloe said, "Thanks, girls. I appreciate it. Though I hope I find someone sooner than later. I hate being single." 

Chloe then gave me a sad smile and said, "You're lucky to be in a relationship, Hallie." 

It's more than just "being in a relationship". It's about the person, not just being with someone to be with them. I am lucky to have Alina. Not lucky to be in a relationship. There's a difference.

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