Magic (Mark Johnson- #10)

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Andrea was pissed.

After driving all the way from Ames, Iowa to the stupid Twin Cities, my stupid big brother gave me the wrong time for his stupid hockey game against stupid Wisconsin.

It wasn't like my brother- Robbie McClanahan was known to be quite on top of things. However, for some reason, he told me the game started at 8, and it actually started at 6:30. What kind a loser gets the time that royally wrong? At least I got to watch the last part of it- after still paying the admission fee into this stupid game. But it's fine. It's whatever. As mom would say- sacrifice for the relationship.

The U ended up winning against the Badgers, 5-3, but it was almost a dramatic comeback when some dude managed to score 2 goals in the span of 5 minutes. I think he was number 10 or something like that- honestly, I've been in such a rage I haven't noticed much.

I decided to wait for my brother in the lobby outside of the locker rooms. He knew I was coming- we had a long weekend at Iowa State, and I haven't seen very much of my big brother's season with being so far away, so I was excited to see him play.


Slowly, boys started trickling out from both locker rooms. I noticed a few familiar faces from pictures and a few of the guys that Robbie had introduced me to before I moved. I wasn't close with any of them, so I found myself just hanging out waiting for my stupid big brother to put all of his stupid gear away in that stupid specific way of his. This man. He's been like that since we were kids.

The boys from Wisconsin all grouped together- a few of them had visitors and were talking to them, but most of them stayed together. Makes sense- we stay close to what we know and feel comfortable around.

I noticed a guy with long blonde hair break away from the group of Badgers. He started walking towards me, so I turned to face him. He was tall- way taller than me. The more I looked at him, the more I began to notice his beautiful features.

This man was insanely attractive.

Our eyes met- my deep green meeting his electric blue and I thought my heart was going to stop. Based off of the look on his face, I think he was thinking the same thing.

Finally, he stopped in front of me. A small smile played on his face. "You're wearing the wrong color you know." I glanced down at Robbie's old U of M sweater I had stolen so many years ago, and looked back up at the handsome stranger. I raised an eyebrow. "I was born and raised coming to these games, so I think I am in the right color."

A small smirk began to play at his lips. "Oh yeah? Too bad gold isn't the best color on you. You should try red and white sometime." Was this dude flirting with me? I let my lips mirror his smirk. "And why would I do that?" His smiled broadened, but before he could say anything else, I heard-

"Andy!" I mentally facepalmed at the impeccable timing of my dear brother, Robbie.

The jerk wad himself came up, not a hair out of place as usual. He had a wide grin on his face that made me grin too. When he reached me, he picked me up and spun me around before placing me on my feet.

"When did you get in?" My annoyance flared to the surface once more. "Shut up. I don't want to talk about it. But it's good to see you jerk- I missed you." Robbie grins at me before his face morphs into one of confusion. I turn to what he was looking at, and the same guy from earlier is standing there, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Johnson! Good to see you man. I'm glad that you've met Andy, here. She's a bit of a brat." I flicked the back of his head and he looked at me in slight annoyance. Johnson looked over at us, seemingly not knowing what to make of it. I elbowed Rob in his ribs and he looked at me. I gestured for him to introduce us. A sheepish look passed over his face.

"Oh yeah! Andy, this is Mark Johnson. We've been playing against each other for years now. They call him Magic- because he's magic on the ice. Magic, this is my baby sister, Andrea. She goes to University in Iowa." I extended my hand to the handsome stranger (well, not anymore) and he takes it. I noticed a whole shift in his demeanor. Suddenly, Robbie is gone, probably to go see some of his friends that came to the game.

I turned my face to Mark, to see him already watching me. "So sister, huh?" I look at the boy in confusion. "What?" He laughs. "I totally thought Mac was your boyfriend and I was going to be very upset." I almost started cackling. "Well, you don't have to worry about that. At all- no boyfriends, nor prospects really." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't have any prospects yet."


Hey guys!

So, I love writing imagines. They're so fun! Feel free to request any player on the 1980 hockey team! I'm so pumped for this, although I'm going to struggle with updating as I'm in the middle of semester but I'll do my very best!

With love,

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