Treacherous (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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"put your lips close to mine"

Abigail knew from the moment she saw him that he would destroy her.

But she couldn't resist the charm of the handsome Bostonian- she couldn't ignore her heart and how it cried to know his.

"as long as they don't touch"

Jack knew from the moment he saw her that he couldn't let her too close or else he would fall further than he ever had.

He knew, and still he stepped onto the tightrope, hoping and praying that it would hold, and he wouldn't have to face the chasm yawning below him.

"and i'll do anything you say"

They met one fateful night in Minneapolis- Betty, Buzz's wife had brought over her friends and it was in that exact moment when Abigail walked through the door and she saw him, with his head tilted back, laughter flowing from his lips- she knew that she had fallen.

"if you say it with your hands"

Jack had thought of her every waking moment after that night. He didn't know her name- he had never asked her for it. But he still saw her, flipping her hair over her shoulder, a smile that put the stars to shame on her face. She was beautiful- one of the most beautiful people he had ever seen.

"and i'd be smart to walk away"

Abigail knew that she should stop thinking of him. She knew that it would only end poorly- after all, he was only in the cities for a few months and then he would be gone. It was a romance painted in tragedy from the very beginning.

She knew that, and she still fell.

"but you're quicksand"

He tried to get her out of his head. He tried, but she was stubborn and refused to leave. He couldn't possibly begin to describe it- the pull to her, the electricity that he wondered if she felt too. A twin flame- a connection deeper than anything he could explain. He knew he should let her go- get her out of his mind so the flame could die out.

He knew it, but he still fell.

"this slope is treacherous"

The next time they met, Abigail decided that she would talk to him.

Jack had the same thought.

"this path is reckless"

They had gone out to dinner the night after- and they fell quickly.

Perhaps too quickly.

"this slope is treacherous"

It only took them two months before conversations of what would happen after the games started to flow. Abigail was in the middle of medical school and wasn't sure where she would go for her residency. She wasn't going to give up school.

Jack didn't want her to- but he also didn't want to give up hockey. He already was going to Chicago- that had been decided long ago.

They never reached a conclusion.

"and i like it"

That was the beginning of the end.

Abigail loved him. She had loved him from that very first moment, and she knew she always would. And it absolutely broke her heart that she just couldn't think of a way that they could possibly work out. If they did, it would have to be way further down the road.

"i can't decide if it's a choice"

Jack wanted to figure out a way for it to work- but the longer he thought of it, the more he was convinced that there wasn't a way they could work out. At least at this point in time. But he just couldn't let her go.

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