My Girl (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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Caroline smiled as the arm of her boyfriend came to rest on her shoulder. Looking over at him, she couldn't help but admire the one and only Jack O'Callahan. She was still baffled that he was hers.

The pair had just finished dinner, and Jack had surprised her with tickets to the Patriots game that evening. Football was her favorite sport, and although Jack wished that she would change her mind and become a hockey fan, he just loved seeing her happy. He just loved her- nothing more to it.

It was going to be a cold one, so both were dressed in their heavy jackets, with Caroline sporting a Patriot's beanie, and Jack a black one. They got into Jack's car, and Steven Tyler's clear and high voice blasted through the speakers. Jack began to tap his hand on the steering wheel to the beat, and Caroline hummed softly, blindly reaching for the man's free hand, which he gave willingly.

To say Caroline was in love with Jack would be the biggest understatement of the year. Truthfully, she was head over heels for the man beside her, and had been for the past year. And- she highly suspected that this infatuation was here to stay.

The two drove the 45 minute drive to the stadium, laughing and singing whatever song came on the radio together. When they reached the stadium, Caroline was practically buzzing with excitement. She hadn't been to a game all year, and with her going who knows where after graduation in May, this very well could be her last season in Massachusetts.

Her and Jack hadn't talked much about it- with his hockey career taking him to Chicago, she assumed that she would follow him and get a job, but they decided to cross that bridge when they came to it. But for tonight, she wanted to see the Patriots wipe the floor with Pittsburgh. She hated the Steelers more than almost anything.

Once they beat the madness of the New England crowd, they found their seats in the stands. Jack smiled at Caroline as she was practically jumping up and down in her seat as the team came on the field and the star spangled banner was sung. When kickoff occurred, Jack's smile widened at the cheer that left her lips.

Her passion was addicting. As he sat there and watched her cheer on her team, he couldn't help but smile.

How did he get so lucky to have her as his girl? She was truly a marvel to him, and he knew that others thought so too. He tried not to be overprotective, but how could he not be when he had the most beautiful, kind, and intelligent girl?

At halftime, the pair decided to go use the restroom and get a hot beverage. When they found a restroom, Jack kissed her on the cheek before running inside. She had elected to go find them hot chocolate at the stand just down the way from the bathroom.

Once he had finished in the bathroom, he quickly went in search of his girl. There were people- lots and lots of people. Everywhere.

He breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw the familiar head standing in line. However, as he got closer, he noticed that she wasn't alone. Jack stopped in his tracks to better assess the situation.

A guy who looked to be around the pair's age stood, talking to his girl. Immediately he felt his temperature rise. Jack could tell from his body language that he was flirting- he wasn't exactly being discreet about it either.

Jack surged forward, throwing all caution to the wind. Screw it- it always worked for him on the ice and you could bet your ass that Caroline was more important than hockey. She always would be.

As he got closer, he could clearly see that Caroline was uncomfortable. However, she was trying to politely decline his advances, and the guy just refused to take a hint. Jack's anger only grew.

When he got to the pair, he quickly put his hand on Caroline's waist, placing his body in between her and the strange man. His hands found themselves placed protectively on her hip, and he could feel her sigh in relief. Jack narrowed his eyes at the man.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jack drew up to his full height. The man in return, shrunk away. Jack was an imposing figure- that's what playing hockey for almost two decades will do to you.

"Hey man, uh, um-" Jack only looked down at him, daring to continue. The man continued to sputter before nodding once and leaving as fast as he possibly could.

Jack turned to his girl, and took both of her hands in his. His hands were so much larger than hers, and they were so cold. She really needed to put her gloves on. He quickly pulled her out of line to the wall where they could have privacy from any prying eyes.

Lowering his voice, he spoke carefully. "You alright, sweetheart?" She looked at him and smiled softly. She still appeared to be slightly shaken, but he was grateful that she felt safe with him. That was all he ever wanted- to keep her safe. "Thank you for stepping in back there. He just would not leave me alone and I didn't know what to do, I couldn't be rude, I still have that ingrained in me from growing up in Kansas- my mama would kill me if she ever heard me be rude to anyone-" Jack pulled her into a hug, and she slumped into him. She was starting to ramble, and rambling only ever led to trouble in her mind. Jack knew the signs, and had thankfully started to step in to keep her from going down that path. Thankful for him and his sweetness with her, she gratefully sunk into the familiar embrace.

The pair stayed in the embrace for what felt like forever, but was really only a minute or two. They didn't even notice the whistle blow to signal the beginning of the second half.

Shyly, Caroline pulled away. "I love you Jack- so much." He smiled. "I love you too Caroline. And I'll always protect you from whatever you need protecting for. I promise."


I'm back baby! I finally feel recovered from my semester (I had so many papers it's absolutely ridiculous) but they're all done, and we are back at it! I'm hoping to get to your requests one by one so keep them coming! I also have some of my own ideas I've been slowly working on so hopefully I can have those finished as well!

If you're new here, WELCOME!! If you're a returning reader who is happy that I finally updated, WELCOME BACK!!

Anyways, I hope y'all have a happy holiday!

- Your favorite author :)

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