Just the Girl (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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"she's cold and she's cruel"

Practice was finally over for the boys on Boston University's men's hockey team, and Jack O'Callahan couldn't wait for the team dinner that was going to be following. It was Tuesday, and Tuesdays always meant dinners at someone's place.

"Alright boys, where are we eating tonight?" Joey Mullen called out over the friendly locker room banter that always took place.

"Dinner's at my place tonight." Dave Silk called out from his spot across from Jack. Immediately, Jack felt his skin go cold. That means that she was going to be there. Suddenly, he wasn't as excited for team dinner.

"but she knows what she's doin"

Linda Silk.

Dave's twin sister who was studying pre law at Harvard.

From the moment they had met three years ago, Jack has been trying to get her to go on a date with him. And every time, she completely disregarded him. She didn't want anything to do with Jack.

It drove him crazy. It was the first time a girl had rejected him- and so he made it his personal goal to get her to go out with him. Just once.

The last few times he was over, Linda didn't even look at him. Before that, she would only respond to him in short responses full of sarcasm. Jack hated to admit that a part of him ached whenever she refused to meet his eye, or gave him her signature scowl. Part of him wanted her to look at him and smile. Why wouldn't she go on a date with him?

He didn't understand that woman. And it drove him absolutely crazy.

"she laughs at my dreams"

Linda was furious.

Why did her annoying brother always have to invite his team over to their apartment for dinner? That means that her usually peaceful Tuesdays with his annoying friends.

She didn't mind the team for the most part. Most of them were quite nice, and Linda has enjoyed getting to know a few of them. The others, however, annoyed her more than she could ever express. One in particular always got under her skin.

Jack O'Callahan.

While she did find him immensely attractive, he annoyed her to absolutely no end. She has been turning him down for years. It absolutely boils her blood. With his annoying smirk, and contagious laugh- gosh she just wanted to wipe that smug smirk right off of his face.

Yeah okay. Jack O'Callahan was cute, and funny, and from what Dave had said a nice guy- she just could never bring herself to say yes. She didn't know. She just wished that he would stop asking. It would make her life a lot easier.

"but i dream of her laughter"

Jack stepped out of his car in front of Silky's apartment. He began to fidget with his keys as he walked up to the door. Tonight was the night. He was so sure of it.

He rang the buzzer and waited to be let up. It didn't take half a minute for the door to unlock, and Jack headed in. He climbed the two flights of stairs to the sibling's apartment and took a moment to collect himself. Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night Linda Silk went on a date with him.

"strange as it seems"

He reached up and knocked on the door. "It's open!" He heard his teammate yell out, so he quickly let himself in.

When he walked in, Silky was standing at the stove, stirring a massive pot of- something. Jack internally groaned- if Silky was cooking, then it wasn't going to be any good. Linda was the better cook out of the pair, and everyone knew that. That could only mean one thing. Linda must be out for the night. Jack felt his heart sink at the thought of not getting to see her.

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