Dancing With Our Hands Tied (Mark Johnson- #10)

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Okay so... I'm thinking about taking this and writing a whole story on it! I haven't decided yet, but input is always needed and welcome!

Okay, enjoy friends :)

"i loved you in secret"

Annie Brooks sat in the stands of the hockey rink, cheering on her dad's team. She was so proud of her dad for coaching the Olympic team- after what had happened in 1960, this had been his entire dream. And it was coming true.

Annie had grown up around her dad's teams- even going to the U, she made quick friends with the boys her dad coached. But, she was never allowed to date them. Her dad had set that rule in place before she went to college- he didn't want to have a conflict of interest. She was annoyed, but agreed to the rule. She loved her parents, and wouldn't want to cause any trouble. Plus, the U was huge- there were a lot of guys on campus that didn't play for her dad.

Now, with her dad coaching the Olympic hockey team, and Annie being in her gap year- these boys were probably going to be her only friends for the next year or so. Apart from her coworkers at the diner of course. Her dad hadn't let her meet them yet for reasons unknown, so this was her first look at her future friends.

It was their first game, and she let her eyes wander along the boys. She stopped when her eyes met a pair of electric blue eyes and she swore her heart stopped right then and there.

Annie never believed in love at first sight. Until that moment.

"first sight, yeah, we love without reason"

Mark was transfixed by the brunette in the stands. She was sitting with a blonde woman and two younger kids- maybe she was here watching a boyfriend? Or a brother? He had no clue- but he wanted to find out.

Throughout the remainder of the game, he felt her heavy stare on him. He didn't mind- he actually enjoyed it.

He needed to find out who this girl was.

After the game, Mark was quick to get dressed and head to the lobby, the stare of the brown- eyed girl staying in his mind. He didn't think he knew what love was until this moment in time. He couldn't explain it- but he was drawn to her. He already felt connected- he already felt like she was his home. And he didn't even know her name.

"how were you to know?"

He walked out into the lobby to see Herb and Craig talking with people. He was shocked to see the girl from the stands standing next to Herb. It was then that he saw the resemblance- and he felt his stomach sink.

She was his daughter.

He had heard of her- all the guys from the U really liked her. Said she was funny, super down to earth. And completely off limits to everyone on the team.

Robbie had filled him in on his two year long crush on the girl that he could do absolutely nothing about because of Herb's rule. The thought filled him with dread. His heart sank like a stone.

She looked over at him, and kept stealing glances until her dad and mom kissed her on the head and they were gone with their two youngest kids. She then made sure they were out of the building before walking up to him.

"my love had been frozen"

She stopped in front of him, and he was finally able to see her face. Her brown eyes were calculating, and she had two piercings in each ear. She was wearing a bit of makeup, and her hair fell just below her shoulders. She was absolutely beautiful- but he could tell that she was so much more than that.

"Hi." She said quietly. Her voice was like music to him. "Hi." He said just as quietly. Her breath caught in her throat. Did he feel the connection too? Did he feel drawn to her like she was drawn to him?

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