In It For the Long Haul (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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Cheryl practically ran down the stairs of the arena as the crowd cheered around her, most of them having already forgotten about what had happened mere moments before.

Her ears still rang with the sound of a body hitting the hard ice after being brutally knocked down by their opponent. She had wanted to throw up at that moment in time- and that feeling had yet to subside.

She needed to see him- she needed to see Jack. Her boyfriend of a little under a year, and she believed to be the love of her life.

They had met through a mutual friend who had thought they would hit it off- and she was absolutely right. From that very first date, Jack and Cheryl had been practically glued at the hip, until he went to Minnesota to pursue his dreams of playing in the Olympics.

Cheryl, though sad to see him go, didn't even bat an eye. Instead, she booked a plane ticket to see him over Christmas, and he had called her as often as he could. She missed him dearly- but he was doing what he was made for. How could she be upset?

Besides, she was busy running her own coffee shop over in Quincy, while also slowly working her way through some classes through Northeastern. She was a busy woman, and Jack was a busy guy. But they always made time for each other.

When Jack had told her that they would be in New York a few days before the games, it was a no brainer that she would make the trip before heading up to northern part of the state. Jack had asked her to bring him a coffee.

Which is why she found herself nervously picking at her fingernail while she waited outside the doors to the trainers room, a (very cold) coffee in hand. She technically wasn't supposed to be back there, but it's amazing what a little diversion and a quick bolt could do. All she knew was that she had to see him, no matter what. She would risk never being allowed back in Madison Square Garden for him- she would risk almost everything for him.

Suddenly, the doors opened, and out walked the one and only Herb Brooks. Cheryl had heard all about the coach, and his coaching methods. Jack had used a few choice words to describe him on more than one occasion, but she knew that he respected him deeply. During her trip to Minnesota, she hadn't seen the infamous coach as he left the boys alone of Christmas Day, and Cheryl's flight didn't get in until late Christmas Eve, long after their Christmas party had concluded.

Herb stopped in front of Cheryl and looked down at her, a curious expression on his face. He sighed then shook his head. "You must be Cheryl." He said before extending a hand to help her up from the floor. She gratefully took it, shocked that he knew her name.

"You know who I am?" She asked. Herb scoffed. "I knew Jack's girlfriend is named Cheryl, and I also know that the only woman who can put up with OC must also be the only woman bold enough to sneak into one of the most prolific arenas in America. I kinda put two and two together."

Cheryl felt her cheeks go red. He definitely had a point, that was for sure. She shuffled her feet. "How's he doing?" She asked. She could practically hear the desperation in her own voice. He scratched his head. "We uh- we don't know yet. Doc is gonna take him over to the hospital to get a picture of his knee and then we'll see how she goes."

Cheryl's heart sunk. If Jack couldn't play in the Olympics, it would crush him. She prayed that it wasn't anything too serious, and that he would be okay. This injury could jeopardize his entire pro career which he had worked so hard for throughout his entire life. She glanced at the coach. "Can I see him?"

Herb looked at the door and put his head down, shaking it once more. He looked up, meeting her eyes. "You have 15 minutes, and don't tell a soul I let you in." Cheryl released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. Then, she nodded a thanks to her boyfriend's coach and quietly slipped into the room.

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