Call Me Anytime (Rob McClanahan- #24)

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TRIGGER WARNING! This one shot does contain and individual in severe liver failure and other health issues and mentions death. Please proceed with the highest caution!


They had done it- they had won gold!

As Rob McClanahan stood on the ice, celebrating one of the greatest accomplishments that they had ever made, he almost felt content.

But how could he, when halfway across the country, his girl lay in a hospital bed healing from surgery?

Margaret Wood had come into his life like a tornado, full of spunk and a fire that he was drawn to immediately. They had met 3 years ago, when one of his teammates lived in the same dorm as Margie. He had run into her, she hated him for a few weeks, he asked her on a date, and after two or three (or more) tries, she said yes.

They had gone to get breakfast after an early morning lift for him, and a graveyard shift for her. During that fateful morning, she had him laughing so hard his milk sprayed out of his nose.

From that day on, the pair of them were completely infatuated with each other. Margie tried to never miss a game, but she was a busy woman- being the President of not one, but two clubs while also working as a CNA and going to school to be a nurse. But she always found time for him. She made time for him.

She was one of the most selfless people he knew. One late night, as they laid on his parent's roof after dinner with his family, she confessed to him that she always knew she was going to do nursing. She had told him that she felt like she had to- with her family's history of cancer, and her eventually loosing her sister to a heart condition when she was only 15, she knew she was needed. It was so much deeper than a want. She needed to help people.

Which is why it came as a shock that she had gone into liver failure at the age of 22.

It had happened just a few months ago- Robbie and the guys were already practicing and Margie had been preparing for her board exams for her nursing license. They hadn't seen each other in about two weeks when he got the call.

Her roommate had gone to check on her as she had been locked in her room all day. When she knocked on the door, there wasn't any answer. She then went inside and found Margie on the floor, completely passed out. Her skin had been tinted yellow, and there was a trashcan with vomit in it next to her.

Her roommate, Kate, was also a nursing student and knew immediately that she had gone into advanced liver failure. First, she called 911. Next, she called him.

He had just gotten done with practice, and was heading to the showers when he saw Kate's name on his phone. He had answered it, confused, and from the second her tone of voice registered, he knew that something was wrong. Very wrong,

He had put clothes on as fast as he could, and practically ran to his car. Jimmy, who had been close enough to hear the call, had gone with him. After everything with his mom, he knew better than any of them what Robbie needed. Plus, he liked Margie- everyone did. On the way over, he had called her mom, who was only two hours away in Alexandria. Robbie still remembered the stifled sob that left her mouth, and he had wondered if it had taken her back to when Leslie had died.

Robbie could never forget what it was like, staring down at Margie's beautiful face in that hospital bed. She hadn't woken up yet, and the doctors had mentioned something to her mom about permanent damage. She would need a transplant- and soon. They couldn't just remove the damaged parts because every part of the liver had been damaged, Robbie had overheard.

A transplant.

A chance.

Robbie had grasped her yellow tinted hand in his and had brought it up to his lips. And there he sat, Jimmy right next to him, as he gripped her hand like a lifeline. He didn't move until finally, after what felt like an eternity, she woke up.

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