It Wouldn't Be Christmas... (Jim Craig- #30)

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Jim opened his eyes on the morning of December 24th. Groaning, he rolled out of bed. It was still dark outside, but the boys had lifting in about half an hour. Coach told them that they would have the next few days off for the holiday. Some of the boys who lived closer were going to go home, but many of them had to stay. Himself included.

It was his first Christmas ever spent away from his family. The thought made his heart ache, even more so when the familiar hole in his chest reminded him that his mom wasn't going to be there again. This was the third Christmas without her, and it never got any easier.

Jim shook the ever present thoughts from his head and turned on the light, illuminating his room. It wasn't home that's for sure. Home was Massachusetts, home was where his family was- home was where Madeline was. 

The thought of his girl made him even more sad. He hadn't seen her since they played Harvard. He had called her as often as he could, but she was also busy, working as a nurse at Mass Gen. Her family was all over the place and usually celebrated Christmas at Thanksgiving, so for the last five years, she had been going to Christmas with his family.

His mom had loved it- having another daughter brought her so much joy. And Madeline- she had fit right in with his loud and crazy family. And he loved her even more so for it. Thankfully, he knew from a phone call he had with her a few days ago that she was going over to his house again this year. At least she wasn't going to be alone- that was something at least.

Shaking off the thoughts from his head, he quickly changed and headed out the door, greeted with a few of the other boys leaving to head to the weight room. Jim could easily tell that they were all a bit homesick this Christmas. At least they had the Christmas party at Doc's house tonight.


The lift went by fast, and the rest of the day passed by in a blur. The party was fun enough- a few beers, some football and some crazy presents from the gift exchange. As much as he did miss home, he loved his boys. They had become family too.

When they got back to the dorms, Silky brought out a deck of cards and Rizzo turned on the radio to a station that was playing Christmas music. The whole team was there, laughing and shoving each other. Even the boys from Minnesota had decided to stay the night with the team and then head home in the morning. With the tree in the corner of the common room, the laughter coming from the boys, and the snow falling outside, he felt content.

He knew his girl was taken care of, and he also knew that this would hopefully be the only Christmas spent apart. She had promised to call him as soon as she could, but she had to work at the hospital, so he really didn't know when she would call. He knew that he had nothing to worry about- they were in such a good spot in their relationship. He was crazy about her, and he knew that nothing could possibly change that. He wanted to spend every birthday, every holiday, every single day of his life with her.

That was why he bought a ring the second he came out here for this team. She had been more understanding than most- his mom had talked to her often about her dream for him to be on this team. And he loved her even more for her support, and even a bit of a shove to even try out in the first place. He owed her so much.

Once again coming back to the present, Jim opted to join in the hand of cards that was being played, with Koho on his left and OC on his right. Another round of poker- he should've known when Silky was the one who grabbed the cards.

As the night passed on, the party only got louder and louder. There was no one on campus to tell them to quiet down, and they had the next day off- Coach's gift to the boys. And you could bet your ass they were making the most of getting to sleep the day away.

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