I Wanna Be Yours (Mark Johnson- #10)

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"secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide than i thought"

Mark Johnson bent down to begin unlacing his skates as the boys around him joked around and jeered at each other after another win at home. Usually, Mark would join in, but he was a little preoccupied by something. More like someone.

One of his oldest friends- and longtime crush, Marley Allen, was finally in town. And she was here.

He had glanced her in the stands as he skated off the ice for the break between the second and third period, and he nearly fell he was so surprised. He knew she was coming into town- he just didn't expect to see her sitting in the stands. Watching him with a big smile on her face.

He quickly and efficiently took his skates off, and carefully placed them in his locker behind him. He then took his hockey pants off and made his way into the shower, a purpose behind every motion. Across the room, a few of his teammates exchanged looks.

Mike Eruzione was quite interested in this new development of their friend. Usually, he was one to start tossing out celebration ideas and start the locker room banter which the team had become so familiar with. But not tonight. Mike wanted to know why.

"Does Magic seem off to anyone?" Mac voiced as soon as Mark had left the room. A few nods came from his teammates around him- 8 or so boys turned to face him. "Yeah, he seemed like himself until right before the third period. Then, he just seemed to want to get the game over with. I'm not complaining- he did score two goals for us in the third. But I wonder what's got him so ready to leave." Bill Baker spoke up. A few more nods came from the boys. "I think I saw him look into the stands if that helps at all." Buzzy said as he left to locker room to go greet his wife. The boys, who consisted of Rizzo, Baker, Suter, Mac, Bah, OC and Koho, began to banter, tossing out ideas as to who the mystery person could be. This continued until Suter snapped his fingers.

"That's it!" A few of the boys turned to him. Suter looked around, realizing he knew precious information. "Well, I thought I had heard him talking on the phone to Marley a few days ago. Maybe she's here." Blank expressions faced him and he sighed. "Marley's his best friend."

OC perked up. "Is she hot?" Just then, Mark walked back into the room, hair wet from his shower. He glared at Jack. "She is completely off limits." A few wicked grins came from the boys. Mark slipped a pair of jeans on and started buttoning up his shirt.

Once he was done, he grabbed his game day bag and threw it over his shoulder. He walked out, and the boys quickly started making bets on what would occur tonight.

Mark walked out of the locker room and scanned the lobby of the arena until he was met with a pair of dark blue eyes. She was already looking at him, and pushed off of the wall she was leaning on to greet him.

He started walking towards her, feeling the familiar thud thud of his heart. Gosh, he wanted to be hers so bad.

As soon as she got close enough, he grabbed her into a hug and picked her up and spun her around before setting her back on the floor.

"I didn't know you were going to be at the game! I didn't even think you were supposed to get in until tomorrow!" Mark exclaimed. Marley lived in Washington, and had just moved there after their graduation in May. They had been friends since middle school, when he threw a spit wad at her and she retaliated, earning them both detention. He had liked her then- before he truly got to know her.

She beamed up at him. She was here for a week and a half to visit him and some of her family in Rochester, and had plans on making the most with one of the most important people in her life. "I decided to fly out early and surprise you! It's so good to see you, Mark. I've missed you so much." He grinned at her. "I've missed you too, Marley. So much. You have no idea." The two continued to chat and catch up, and we're so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't see Rizzo, OC and the other boys from the locker room chat come over to meet the girl.

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