Times Square (Mark Johnson- #10)

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*full disclaimer here- I have no idea if they ever visited Times Square*

Mark blew some warm air into his hands as he walked along the New York City sidewalk, surrounded by his teammates.

Truthfully, he was shocked that Herb had let them go tonight- the man himself led the pack, Craig right beside him as always. Regardless, he was excited to visit Times Square- he had never been but it had been on his list for a while!

Mark decided to tune into the conversation- something about how Silky's parents were going to be at the game the following night, and Jack had tuned in that his parents were also joining. Mark's own parents were also going to be there- with the games just a few hours away, and in a few days, his die hard hockey family had decided to make a trip of it.

Mark's mom had told him that after their game tomorrow, they would be heading over to a Devil's game the following day (the team he would be joining the following season- he's been in communication with the coaching staff and they want him for the next season as well), and then they would make their way north, to Lake Placid.

"Well, all I'm saying is that I think the Wild actually have a shot this year." Mark heard Rob say from his left. Of course it turned to hockey- it always did.

Mark couldn't help but snort at the St. Paul native before chiming in. "Mac, let it go. They haven't been good- ever. Let's be honest, it's going to come down between the Bruins, and the Islanders." Some of the boys scoffed. "Yeah, okay Magic." He rolled his eyes. Most of the guys were die hard fans for one team and the team that they got drafted to, and he knew that they were going to defend them.

The banter continued, until they turned the corner, into Times Square. It was huge! Mark smiled, and the boys kept the quips coming- the banter never faltering once. He loved that.

Herb turned to the group. "Alright boys, you have two hours. No drinking, no doing anything stupid that could get you hurt. Meet back here before the two hours is up. Anyone late will be skating until their legs fall off. Understood?" The boys nodded, used to the treats of their coach. A few groups broke off, but most of the guys had stayed grouped together.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted someone carrying something warm. Something warm would be nice for his hands. "Anyone want to go find something warm?" He spoke, catching a few of the guys' attention.

Mac was quick to saw yes, while Pav, quiet as always, merely nodded his head. None of the other boys had heard, or if they had, they obviously did not want to go. The three boys quickly set off, in search of something warm. Mac was talking to Pav- more like talking at Pav, while Pav stood there, polite and quiet as ever. Mark smiled at him in sympathy- being Mac's roommate during roadtrips had left him accustomed to the man's rambling.

Finally, a shop caught Mark's attention. "Hey guys, over here." The two followed, quickly ducking into the shop. "Man, I am so excited for this. When I was growing up, my mom made the best hot chocolate-" Mac had started, but Mark tuned him out.

It was nothing personal- he was just really wanting some coffee or whatever he could get his hands on that was warm.

He started walked towards the shop, but he accidentally bumped into something. Or, more like someone.

The girl was a few inches shorter than him, and had deep brown eyes. Her brunette hair fell over her shoulders in soft waves, and she was wearing a long coat and what appeared to be a pair of blue jeans, with a pair of sneakers to tie it all together. Upon closer inspection, he saw freckles lightly dotting her cheeks and nose.

She was cute- that much he could say upon his first glance. But when he really looked at her, he noticed the flecks of grey that dotted her eyes, and the way her nose was slightly crooked. The more he looked at her, the more beautiful she became.

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