Smart Woman (Dave Silk- #8)

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"Do I have to go?" I huffed at my father, Herb Brooks. The man in question looked up from where he was organizing papers on his desk and looked at me.

"Yes, Ellie. You have to go. We've already talked about this- your aunt and uncle want to spend time with you, and I'm already going to be in Colorado for a few days so it makes sense. Go get packed- we have to leave within the next few hours." I rolled my eyes and stormed out of his office.

My dad got the job to be the head coach for the United States men's National team. I was so proud of my dad, and I'm glad that he gets another shot at his dream- but I just don't get why I can't stay in Minnesota with my mom and my younger siblings.

I had just finished my junior year at the U, and I start a research fellowship in just a few weeks with some of the top minds in the country. Perks with living relatively close to Mayo. But, between that and following dad around the country with hockey like I always do, I need to go out and visit my aunt and uncle that live in Colorado. There was an accident a few years ago that really drove a wedge between our family and there's and we've been trying to mend it. I don't know if we've made any progress.

I walked into my room and shut the door. I walked over to my record player and placed the first record I found on my record player. Springsteen blasted through my speakers as I started to quickly pack my bag. It was only a few days. I could do a few days. But man, I just wanted to stay here and enjoy the little bit of freedom I had left.

I packed a few pairs of shorts, a couple pairs of jeans, some turtlenecks, and a few old hockey t shirts that I had stolen from one of my buddies at the U, a guy named Neal Broten, who played for my dad. He said he was going to be at tryouts- maybe I'll stop by and say hi.

Once my bag was packed, I brought it outside where dad was already loading up the car. He threw my bag on top and then we went inside to say bye to mom, Kelly and Danny. Kelly and Danny were quite a bit younger than me- but I still loved being their older sister. I asked mom once why there was such a big gap, but she refused to say anything on the matter so I never brought it up again. Some things are better left unsaid after all.

Once goodbyes were all in order, dad and I climbed in the car and started the trek to Colorado.


"Your aunt is gonna drop you off at the rink after you guys are done at lunch. They have some stuff to get done today." I huffed. Why make me come all the way out here for half a day? If you can't tell, I really did not want to be here. I just wanted to actually sleep for once, in my bed, instead of the horrible bed in my dorm on campus. But, I know family is important. I need to change my attitude.

"I hope you have a great time, Ellie." I looked up at my dad, who was looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face. "Now things have been strained between us for too long. Maybe today will be the beginning of a long overdue mending between us." I nodded- I had thought the same thing.

"Thanks for the pep talk dad. I know you're right, and I'm sorry for being a bit of a brat about it. I really want to make things right between us and Aunt Carly and Uncle John. I'll see you in a few hours- hope tryouts go good." I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at me- one of the rare smiles he only gave me, mom and Kelly. I grinned back at him.

"You're a good kid, Elle. Give your aunt and uncle love from me." I smiled. "Give the boys hell from me." And then I shut the door. I could see his shoulders shake with laughter as he drove off.


The day was actually a pleasant one- probably one of the best days I've had with my aunt and uncle in a long time. We went out for lunch, walked around downtown Colorado Springs, got a coffee and then just went back and talked. They wanted to hear all about school, and the research I was starting up in a few weeks. They told me all about their move (they used to live in Michigan, but then the accident happened and they moved south) and how they were liking their jobs. They told me they were trying for a child, which was very exciting news!

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