Green Eyes (Mike Eruzione- #21)

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She had sea green eyes.

That's what Mike remembered about the mystery girl in the library.

He was looking for a particular book on the rise of the Communist government in Romania when he saw her eyes through the bookshelf. Her beautiful green eyes had met his, and he couldn't help but get lost in the abyss of them. She had turned away, and Mike swore to figure out who she was. He needed to at least know her name.

Now, a week later, he went to the same bookshelf that he had had that fateful encounter with the mystery girl. He hoped that she would show up. He hoped that she had also felt the connection.

He had been doing this everyday the last week, at the same time. Mike was hoping this was a regular study spot for her and that she would turn up one of these times. Each day a question lingered- would he ever see her again?

He was soon answered by a girl, bag on her back and book in hand, who sat down at one of the nearby tables. He wasn't sure if it was her- after all, he had only seen her eyes. When she turned her head to look around, he recognized the distinct sea green. He would know those eyes anywhere.

She was beautiful. Her round cheeks were rosy and slightly tinted- most likely from the cold weather outside, and Mike could see the deep lines around her mouth from smiling. She had a petite nose and a glimmer in her green eyes that he had missed before.

She pushed a brown lock of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes and smiled shyly at him. In that moment, he realized that he had been staring. He looked away quickly, and busied himself looking at the books on the shelf.

Risking a glance, he saw her sit down and pull out a notebook. He smiled and debated his options.

After a moment, he decided to go over and introduce himself. No harm in that, right?

He walked up to her table, and cleared his throat. She looked up at him and smiled softly. "Hey- sorry to disturb you. Is this seat taken?" He gestures to the seat across from her.

She shook her head. "No- go ahead." He sat down and pulled out his own notebook from his backpack. "I'm Mike, by the way. Mike Eruzione." He said quickly. She looked at him, raising her eyebrow in the process. "Nice to meet you, Mike. I'm Elina Turner." He smiled at her. She quickly looked down and started working on homework. He did the same.

The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful- they worked in silence until it was time to head to practice. When the clock hit 3:30, he started packing up his bag. Elina looked up, furrowing her eyebrows at him. "I've gotta go- I'm on the hockey team and we have practice in about an hour." She looked almost... disappointed.

"Well, I'll see you next week?" She said. It was Mike's turn to raise an eyebrow. "I figured it was going to be a weekly occurrence to see each other here." He smiled softly. "Yeah, that sounds good to me." She smiled, and she suddenly had a bit of a flush on her cheeks. He grinned at her, before walking out of the library.


A few weeks had gone by with this being a weekly tradition. Mike and Elina had talked about everything under the Sun and had grown closer and closer. Mike had fallen hard for her- and he had decided to invite her to dinner.

It was just like the previous weeks, only Mike had a bundle of nerves in the bottom of his stomach. He was so nervous she would say no.

When he got to the table, the girl was already there. She smiled at him as he sat down. He mirrored the smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was so nervous. She gave him a funny look. They started talking, and Mike was waiting for the right moment.

They had fallen into silence as both of them started working on homework once again. Mike looked up, noticing how the white headband pulled her long straight hair back. Not a hair was out of place. It was now or never.

"Lina?" He used the nickname he had given her. She looked up, quirking an eyebrow at him- one of her many habits that he had noticed about her. He smiled softly at her. "Do you have any plans on Friday?" Her eyebrows quickly drew into one of realization, and then a smile overtook her face. "None, at all. Why do you ask?"

Mike looked down, and then quickly back up to look at the woman across the table. "Well- would you maybe want to go out to dinner? Just the two of us? On a date?" Her smiled widened. "Sure, Mike. I would really like that." His eyebrows shot up. She said yes? He couldn't believe it!

"Great! I'll pick you up at 7?" Her smile softened into a slight smirk. "Of course. Here, I'll give you my address." She tore off a small piece of paper and jotted down an address before handing the piece of paper to him. He took it, and looked down bashfully. The rest of that afternoon was spent with the pair of them sending small smiles to each other before Mike once again left for practice.

As he walked away, he couldn't believe that she had said yes. She was amazing- she was one of the most extraordinary women he had ever met. And he couldn't wait for Friday.

It all felt like a dream- a dream of a woman with sea green eyes.

Hey friends!

Here's a shorter one for you :)

With tomorrow being Valentine's Day and all, I want to try to publish "mini" one shots (Valentine's Day themed of course) for each of the boys that I have written about, or want to write about, so if you have anyone in particular just comment or shoot me a message!

As usual, thanks so much for reading this book!

Requests are open :)

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With so much love,

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