Swept Off Her Feet (Robbie McClanahan- #24)

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It was too cold.

That was the one thing going through my head as I walked down the streets of Lake Placid. The usual small town was bustling with people from all over the world, and I was thrilled to be among them.

My skating partner, Greg walked besides me as I walked back through the gates of the Village, my black  jacket pulled tightly over my body and my skates hanging off of my shoulder. I nodded at a few people I recognized- mostly other skaters that I had competed against.

I had been skating for as long as I could remember. My mom enrolled me in figure skating lessons when I was 5 years old, and from there I completely fell in love with the beautiful sport. I competed as a single until I reached the age of 14, and then my coach tried me with a boy in the program, Greg Sheldon. We clicked instantly, and became an unstoppable pair.

8 years later, and Greg and I were competing in our second Olympics. We were able to compete in '76 as we were both 18 at the time, but sadly we didn't get too far, which was expected. But this year was our year. I could feel it in my bones.

We walked into the lodgings and went our separate ways, making plans to meet for dinner in half an hour. I walked upstairs, exhausted from the grueling 3 hour practice we had just finished. We competed in 5 days, and I was so excited.

When I got to my floor, I started to dig around in my bag for my room key. I was so focused on finding my key that I completely crashed into another person.

We both went crashing down, and I looked up sheepishly at the stranger. His soft dark hair fell over his equally dark eyes. He had a bashful smile that showed he was missing a few teeth, but he managed to pull it off. He was attractive- she would give him that.

"So sorry about that- guess I got lost trying to find my key and wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I gave him another small smile, and stood up, holding out my hand to help him up. He gratefully took it before saying, "No worries at all. I also wasn't paying attention. I'm Robbie by the way, Robbie McClanahan. I'm on the USA hockey team." I smile at him. Robbie. What a cute name. "I'm Mel Andrews. I'm one of the figure skaters for USA. I'm surprised we haven't met."

He smiles at me. "Well Mel, it's nice to meet you. And my coach is pretty strict about us mingling outside of the team. He doesn't want us to get distracted from the games." I smile at him. "I get it. My last skating coach was the same way. Only, I didn't have a whole team to talk to- just my skating partner, Greg, and my coach. They're great and all, but I did miss having female interaction." He laughed at me. "I'm sure you did." I smiled at him- I seemed to be doing that a lot for some reason.

"Well, Robbie, I should get going. I'm supposed to meet up with Greg for dinner and I still have to freshen up." His face fell a little. "Well, I'd love to see you again- and maybe not run into you." I laughed a little at that. "Maybe I can take you out to dinner sometime? Or a movie or something?" My heart stopped. Was he asking me out? I grinned at him. "Sure, Robbie that would be great. Here, let me give you the landline number for my room." I quickly wrote it down on a piece of paper I found in my purse and handed it to him. He grinned this goofy grin at me and I felt my heart flutter.

"I'll call you then!" I grinned at him. "Can't wait."


This was it. The moment I had been waiting for. Greg and I stepped out onto the ice, immediately falling into character. We stopped in the middle, our chins resting on our chests.

Then, the magic began.


Cheers rang out from the crowd, as I gripped Greg in a bone crushing hug. We had done it! Our long program was by far one of the most challenging ones we had put together, but we nailed it. We were perfect out there! The music took me away, as I fell deeper and deeper into the story our program told- the story of two lovers, desperate to be together. But tragically, she died on the eve of their wedding. It was a beautifully tragic story- something that we tried to display in their performance.

Judging by the cheers of the crowd, she knew that they had succeeded.

They stepped off the ice to be thrown into a giant bear hug by my coach. He let go and gave Greg a similar one. Once he let go, Greg and I stood side by side, hands gripped together awaiting the judges final score.


A point and a half away from perfect. Her eyes widened as everyone around her screamed.


She threw herself down onto her bed after a hot shower. The best day of her life had just transpired- what could top it?

Just as she was about to drift to sleep, the phone on her table rang. She dragged herself out of bed and answered the phone. "Hello?" My voice was raspy, yet content. "Hello? Is this Mel's room?" I recognized the voice instantly, immediately perking up. "Robbie? Is that you?" I heard a breath of relief come from the other side of the line. "Yeah, hey! I watched your program- Mel, you were amazing. Congrats on the gold- there's no one else who deserves it more." I grinned at the wall. This man. "Thank you Robbie- that means a lot."

"So, uh, our first game is tomorrow against Sweden. I would love for you to be there if you're able." I felt my cheeks darken. "Sure, Robbie! I'll be there." I could practically hear the smile in his voice. "Oh great! I'm really glad. Thanks so much, Mel. And then, maybe once we're both gold medalists, I could take you out on an actual date?" I was shocked. He was being so forward. I heard an intact of breath on the other side. "Unless of course you don't want to-" I cut him off. "No, no! Of course, Robbie! Sorry, I was just a bit shocked. But of course I'll go on a date with you. But you have to win a gold okay?" He laughed. I heard something from the other line that sounded like "Mac in love" and I grinned. He shushed the other guys with him before responding. "That's the plan! Hey, sorry Mel, I gotta go. Big game tomorrow and all. I'll see you after?" I grinned.

"Can't wait."


Hey guys!

Thanks so much for reading. Have a longer one for y'all today- we all love Robbie right?

Anyways, requests are OPEN!! Go ahead and comment who you want, and if you have any preference for the setting/ how they meet!

Thanks for reading!

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