Last Kiss (Mark Johnson- #10)

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"i still remember the look on your face"

The street lights shined into Layla's car as she drove back to her apartment. It was drizzling rain outside, and she couldn't help but laugh at the irony. It was 1:58 A.M. and she couldn't stop the tears from rolling down her face. She guessed that her and sky were alike in that way. But the rain couldn't stop reality from crushing the air out of her lungs.

It was over.

Her and Mark were over.

As she drove home, she couldn't stop replaying the years of memories she had with the one and only Mark Johnson.

The many nights spent driving around Madison, laughing and talking and singing at the top of their lungs. Their years as children, growing up together, riding bikes in the Wisconsin heat, and skating together in the cold winters. The awkward two years when they both realized they loved each other but we're too stubborn to say anything, and then that fateful night their freshman year of high school when they were at homecoming and he kissed her.

"you told me you loved me"

That was 8 years ago.

She had been with him for 8 years.

They both stayed in Madison- he played hockey for his dad, and she got a full ride into the psychology program. He was going to go into the NHL, and she was going to be a licensed counselor. They were going to line up her graduate school and the team he played for so they didn't have to say goodbye. But, it seems some things don't happen.

They had talked about getting married after college. He had whispered that to her just a few months ago, as they laid stretched out on his bed. He wanted it to be the most magical day, he told her in the darkness of the night.

He was leaving. She was leaving. They were both pursuing their dreams- and yet she couldn't help but wish that he was staying, that she was staying. She didn't want them to go away. She just wanted to stay with him.

When he got that call from his dad about the tryouts, he was so excited. She was too- she had expected to move with him for a short period of time. But then her acceptance letter came. Columbia. Her dream school. How could she say no?

"i can still feel your arms"

She was shivering as she pulled into the parking garage. She shut the car off and just sat there. She was still in his Wisconsin sweatshirt that she had stolen their sophomore year of college. It smelled like him.

The tears started again, and she went into her apartment, frantically wiping at her face as she went. She went into her room and just sat on the floor. She didn't know how to be something he missed- she didn't know how to miss him.

Why did the future have to be so uncertain? The only thing she was certain of was that she loved him, and wanted to be with him. But, she doesn't know how she would feel living so far apart.

"i'd never thought we'd have a last kiss"

She could feel his lips on hers from half an hour ago- a kiss goodbye. Their last kiss.

"your name, forever the name on my lips"

How could there be anyone else? She had loved him before she even knew what love was. How was she supposed to be okay? She could still see his cheesy grin, could see him laughing at all the parties and dinners they went to together. He was more than her boyfriend- he was her best friend, her companion, her partner.

Who was she going to dance with? She couldn't dance- not unless it was with him.

"how you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something"

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