Valentine's Day Mini One Shots!

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Jack O'Callahan "OC"

I finished up the last few touches of my make up and gave myself a once over in the mirror. Satisfied, I smiled into the mirror. I couldn't wait for tonight!

My long term boyfriend, Jack had the whole evening planned out but he absolutely refused to tell me what he had planned, which frustrated me to no end. Jack and I had been together for about 6 years- and we both graduated from Boston University in a few months which was absolutely crazy to think about! It still feels like it was just yesterday that Jack had asked me to go to the movies with him- and the rest is history.

Anyways, I couldn't wait for the night! I bought a new silver dress and paired it with a pair of white heels and soft pink lipstick. Jack had said to dress up- we were going to go downtown for dinner is what he told me. I still felt so giddy every time I got ready for a date with him- I don't think this feeling is ever going to go away, but I honestly don't mind. I kind of loved it.

A knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts. I yelled that it was open and the individual let themselves in. I heard Jersey, my pug, go absolutely crazy which told me that it was, in fact, Jack. She absolutely loved him- sometimes I think she loved him more then she loved me. Oh well- I still needed a few more minutes to finish up. "Hey babe!" I heard the familiar voice call from the living room. "Hey! I'm in my room!" I replied before turning back to the mirror.

I was putting my jewelry in- I had a ton of piercings, and I absolutely adored layering necklaces so it always took a good few minutes to get everything on and straightened out.

A familiar silhouette leaned against the door frame, his eyes wide. I suddenly felt very self conscious. He pushed off the door frame and came and stood behind me. I turned around, and stood up. I stood a good foot lower than him, but I kind of loved it. He smiled at me. "You look so beautiful, Hannah." I smiled up at him. "You don't look so bad yourself." I joked.

In fact, he looked incredibly dashing in his white button up and black slacks. He had his hair gelled back, and the comforting scent of his cologne surrounded me. He leaned down, placing a brief kiss on my lips. Not caring about the lipstick I had just applied, I immediately kissed him back, melting into the familiar feel of his lips. I was so crazy about this boy.

We pulled apart and I smiled at him, before turning around to finish getting ready. Once satisfied, I grabbed my bag and we headed out.

As we drove across the city, Jack's hand rested on my knee, drawing soft circles on it. We talked about hockey, as it's right in the middle of season, and Jack kept cracking jokes in the way that only he can. He kept looking over at me with a lopsided grin and I could never keep a straight face. Towards the end of the car ride, we slipped into our causal banter that we had grown so used to over the years.

We finally found a place to park, and Jack, being the gentlemen that he is, came around and opened the door for me. I interlaced my arm with his and he guided us to the restaurant. He had gotten us a reservation so we didn't have to wait long at all.

When we got to the table, there was already a bottle of Malbec waiting for us, and Jack, once again pulled out my chair for me. We sat down, and started skimming the menu.

"Hannah?" I looked up from my menu. Jack's blue eyes were so bright- brighter than I remembered them. "Yeah?" He leaned forward, reaching his hand out to cover mine. "I just love you. So so much. You make me want to be a better man. You've never been afraid of me, or my past, and you are truly the only woman that I could ever want. I just wanted to tell you that." I could feel my cheeks burning. I smiled at him. "I love you so much, Jack. You are my home- you're my family. And there is absolutely no one else who I would rather be with. You're it for me, John Joseph O'Callahan." He laughed when I used his full name. He raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh you are in for it now, Lane." He said, using my surname. I grinned at him.

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