Christmas Eve (Mark Johnson- #10)

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Mark sighed as he hung up the phone.

It was the 24th of December, and it was going to be the first Christmas he spent away from his family, and his first Christmas spent away from his long term girlfriend, Amber.

He knew he wasn't going to be able to go home- but a part of him hoped that it would work out for him to spend Christmas Eve in his room like he had every other year before, and then wake up to the smell of his mom's homemade pancakes. To tear down the stairs and laugh with his family as they opened presents together. To go over to Amber's house and share a meal with her and her family. To go skating with his dad and Amber, and Amber's little brother, Al. But, all traditions must come to an end.

His mom had called him that morning, asking him to call them on Christmas whenever he had a chance. They would celebrate when he got home in two months.

Amber had been distant from him over the last week- not returning calls, never calling first, things like that. He was beginning to worry that she was wanting to break things off- a possibility he didn't even want to consider.

He had been with Amber since their freshman year at the University. They had both grown up in Madison, but their lives never intersected until her brother started playing hockey with his younger brother, Peter. They had met at one of the games, and, according to Mark, fell in love instantly. Amber had a different take- she found him cocky and incredibly annoying. Nearly making it onto the Olympic team at the age of 18 will do that to you.

But, as they rubbed shoulders more and more, Amber eventually realized how much she did enjoy his company, even though he was a stubborn know it all- especially when it came to hockey. The pair would often get into debates, as Amber also played for a while, and had been watching it her whole life so she knew quite a bit too.

They finally started dating when Mark lost it when Amber brought her then boyfriend to one of the Wisconsin games- some guy he didn't even bother to learn the name of. He had stolen her away from the crowd and had asked her why she was with him when she deserved so much better. She had gotten mad at him, and told him that he had no business in hers, and then she asked him why he was so mad. He told her that she shouldn't be with a guy like that- that she needed to be with him.

That was the start of their relationship, and Mark had a ring in his drawer for when he got home. He couldn't imagine her breaking it off now- he was truly in love with her and couldn't imagine spending his life with anyone else.

"Magic! You almost ready, man?" Rob called out down the hall. The pair had agreed to carpool to the Christmas party at doc's house. All the other guys had left without even saying goodbye- in fact, most of them wouldn't even look at him today. This was shaping up to being a great Christmas- note the sarcasm.

"Yeah, I just need to grab some shoes and I'm ready to go!" He called out. He searched around and grabbed a pair of running shoes- the first ones he found. He grabbed his wallet and sighed, stepping out of his room and shutting the door. Upon further thought, he slipped in and grabbed the ring from the drawer. Just to have a semblance of a piece of her. Even if she leaves him.

Mac seemed especially chipper- why wouldn't he be? It was Christmas after all. He walked down the hall, beanie on head, a spring to his step. "Alright, let's bust this joint."


The two line mates pulled up to the house of the team doctor. Rob had chatted the whole way, but Mark could only try his best to listen to his friend. He missed home- he wanted to be with his family, and with Amber. He wondered if he would even have Amber to go home to anymore.

He sighed as they got out, grabbing out the presents from the back. They had decided to do secret Santa's for gifts- gag only. Mark had gotten Suter, and he was pretty sure that Rob had gotten Silky, but he wasn't entirely sure.

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