Choices (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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Liza smiled as she watched her boyfriend walk down the sidewalk, laughing with his friends. The sight made her stomach twist with butterflies- a familiar feeling whenever she looked at Jack, even after almost two years of dating.

It was a new semester, and Liza was glad to be back in Boston. She had spent the summer back home in Montana, which was lovely but- she had missed the hustle and bustle of the city, and her friends who were scattered across the country for the last few months. She even missed the homework that her professors assigned for her. But most of all, she missed Jack.

Sweet, loyal, Jack. She was forever grateful for being late on the first day of classes her freshman year, where the only available seat was next to the hockey player from Charlestown. They hit it off instantly, but it took Jack a few months to pluck up the nerve to ask her out. And as they say, the rest is history.

Now, here they were, the first day of their Junior year, surviving two summers of long distance, her dad's death, and everything in between.

She wanted to marry him- and she knew he felt the same.

Jack had picked her up from the airport a few nights before and had helped her get settled back into her apartment off campus she had gotten with her friend, Emma. The two friends were so excited to see each other, and the trio had spent the night laughing and sharing stories about their summers before Jack made his way back to his own apartment around 2 or so to let Liza rest after the long day of traveling.

They hadn't seen much of each other since- Liza had started her job at the dinner again, and Jack had been busy with practice. Neither of them minded- they knew it always took a few weeks for them to settle into a routine.

But now, here he was.

Jack looked up, and his eyes sparkled when they caught sight of the familiar brunette leaning against the wall. She was already looking at him of course, but when their eyes met she grinned and pushed off the wall, heading towards her boyfriend and his teammates.

She knew a few of them- Rizzo and Silky most of all, but there were a few faces that she hadn't seen before. When she reached the group, she immediately threw her arms around Jack, laughing as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck.

They only stayed that way a second before they parted ways, favoring Jack's arm thrown around her shoulders. He looked at her, a goofy grin on his face. "Hey there." She smiled warmly at him. "Hey handsome."

She then heard "Hey Silky" in an absolutely horrendous imitation of Jack, and then a "Hey Rizzo" in a high pitched voice that she guessed was supposed to be hers. Her smile turned into a wicked grin as she whipped around to see 5 of the boys laughing, while 2 of them looked confused. Must be new- not used to the antics of Rizzo and Silk.

Liza settled her green eyes on the pair of them, letting them harden into her "I'm from small town Montana and I will beat your ass gladly" look- a look she mostly reserved for the two idiots in front of her. They only grinned when they saw her face. They had missed her.

"Hey Rizz, hey Silk." She said monotone. Their smiles only grew. "Hey Eli." Rizzo replied. "How was the Wild West?" Silky asked, trying not to burst out laughing.

She rolled her eyes fondly as a small grin placed itself on her lips. She couldn't stay mad at them for long. "It was great, thanks for asking. You guys keep my boy in line all summer?" She jokingly asked, and she heard Jack scoff from beside her. "Me? Trouble? Come on Elizabeth, you know me." She turned to him, disbelief written all over her face. "You did not just call me Elizabeth."

"I sure did sweetheart- and I enjoyed every second of it." He said matter of factly. Liza rolled her eyes, but then decided that two could play this game.

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