The Very First Night (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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"i wish i could fly"

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. Annoyed, I turned it off before turning around to fall back asleep. Then, a thought settled in the back of my head.

I bolted out of bed and began getting ready for the day. Today was the day! Jack, my long term boyfriend of over 3 years, was going to be back in town for a game against Harvard! I hadn't seen him in a few months- he moved to Minnesota as soon as he got onto the Olympic hockey team. I was so proud of him- but I missed him every second of every day.

"i miss you like it was the very first night"

We met when his team had played my school, Boston College in the famed rivalry game. After the game, in which the terriers came out victorious, I was waiting for my friend, whose boyfriend, Mike Eruzione also played on Boston University's team when Jack walked out of the locker room, and my eyes were immediately drawn to him. He walked with such confidence, and a permanent smirk on his lips. He didn't notice me then, but I couldn't get the sight of his smirk out of my mind for months.

"and so it goes, every weekend, the same party"

My friend, Bethany had invited me to a party a few months later. I didn't have anything else to do, so I joined her and Mike at the party. All of his boys were there, and my eye caught on a certain blonde haired boy, once again.

Only this time, he noticed me too.

Ironically, we didn't talk that night. Or any of the other parties Beth had invited me too either. We always seemed to be drawn to each other, but neither of us wanted to make the first move. We were both incredibly stubborn- we still are.

"i drive down different roads and they still lead to you"

The fateful day was actually one of complete chance.

I had missed the bus to campus, and I ended up having to catch the train. What are the odds, that in a city as big as Boston, I run into the one man who had completely absorbed my thoughts for months. I took the seat across from him.

He struck up a conversation with me, and I was actually surprised to see that he was actually a very kind man. I hadn't had the best experiences with hockey boys before, so it was quite the shock when he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. It was a dream. He asked me if he could take me out to dinner, and I quickly agreed.

"they weren't riding in the car when we both fell"

He borrowed a buddies car that night. He picked me up and took me to a pizza place a block away from the U. It was in that moment that I knew I was in big trouble.

I had already fallen for him.

"didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture"

The rest of our relationship was full of spontaneous adventures, late night study sessions, hockey games, and copious amounts of laughter.

We had taken a Polaroid at a hockey game 7 months into our relationship, and Jack refused to give it to me until he dropped me off at the dorms that night. He kissed me goodnight, and I went inside. He had slipped something into my back pocket. I took out the Polaroid picture with three words on it-

I love you.

That same Polaroid sits on my bed stand, and I look at it every-time I miss him. Which was frequently.

"they don't know how much i miss you"

I'm so proud of him- I've seen him go through college, and battle for everything he wanted. Hockey, a degree, relationships- my boy was a fighter. And now I get to be by his side as another one of his dreams comes true. I couldn't be more honored.

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