Catch My Eye (Jack O'Callahan- #17)

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Jack was zeroed in.

The classic rivalry between Boston U and Boston College was well known throughout the hockey world, him more so than most growing up in Boston.

He wanted to meet these guys- it was his 8th battle of Comm Avenue, and both teams had won 4. Tonight was the tie breaker for his career.

Jack's obsession with rivalry's was well known. It had all started in high school when his neighbor down the street had started talking about how Jack wasn't worth the talk that the colleges were making of him. The next time Jack's team played his school, he made him eat his words. Literally. Take that for what you will.

Maybe that's why he wanted so badly to meet Minnesota again in the tournament his last season at Boston University- sweet sweet revenge.

And of course, that's why he was having the game of his life.

There was something about a rivalry that brought the best out of the Boston native. He was playing lights out that night- there weren't any shots on goal when Jack was on the ice.

Jack sat in the locker room at TD Garden, zeroed in on his coach during the second intermission. They were winning by 2, but anyone who knows hockey knows how fast you can loose a 2 goal lead. They had to give it their all during this third period.

And Jack would. As he was walking out of the locker room, a flash of gold caught his eye. He glanced up, and was met with the sight of a girl.

She was wearing an Eagles jersey, her dark curly hair piled high onto her head. Her clear skin glowed under the lights and the gold that caught his eye had to have been the thin necklace that sat around her neck. At the bottom of the necklace, Jack could make out a charm. Even from here, Jack could see the dark brown eyes as she chatted with the girls around her.

Jack felt his heart still. She was beautiful, to be sure. But her beauty, unlike so many girls before, were tied to the confidence that covered every part of her being. The way that she held herself, the sureness when she would lift her head. Sure, there had been lots of girls in the past, but ever since he got drafted he decided to stop the dating conversation. Not permanently- just until he knew what his future was going to look like.

But standing here, watching the Boston College girl laugh and smile with her friends, he couldn't help but think about spending some time getting to know her. He couldn't help but think about why she was this way- and he wanted to know more.

Her eyes snapped to him, and suddenly he remembered where he was.

TD Garden. Big game. Final period.

It couldn't have been only a few seconds that he had stood there, looking at the girl. But it was enough time that when his eyes left her, he glanced around to make sure no one had seen anything. If they had, he would never hear the end of it.

He willed his legs to walk forward, and forced all thoughts of the girl from his mind. He had to focus. His team needed him. This was what he was made for.

He felt his heart still. His breathing evening out. He closed his eyes as he got closer to the door to the rink- and allowed one more deep breath. He forced his mind to go to the place he needed to go. His brothers. His mom. A pair of skates. A final buzzer. The simple smile of a friend. The smell of a pond, frozen over. A flash of gold. Deep brown eyes.

He opened his eyes, a newfound fire there.

He was zeroed in.


They had done it. Once again, for the 5th time in Jack's college career, they had beat their biggest rivals! During the final period, the boys had piled on 3 more goals to seal the deal.

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