Girl From Home (John Harrington- #28)

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Rob McClanahan tapped his finger on the steering wheel of his car as he drove across town to pick up his best friend. He hadn't really had time to hang out with her since he made it on the Olympic team- and it had now been over a month since he saw her. He felt terrible, which is why he had called her 20 minutes before to see if she wanted to go to dinner with some of the boys from the team. She agreed, and he told the boys, which included Mark Pavelich, John Harrington, Bill Baker, Phil Vercota, Mike Eruzione, Jack O'Callahan and Mark Johnson, that he would meet them at the diner they often frequented after practice.

Willow Carter glanced out of the window of her apartment when she heard a honk. She was met with the familiar sight of her best friend's blue car, and she hopped up and headed out, double checking that the door was locked.

She went outside and Robbie got out to give her a hug, one that she gladly accepted. She missed him- truly and deeply she missed him.

Her and Robbie had been friends for the last two years- they had a class together and really clicked from the beginning, and the rest is history. Their bond was deep, and true, and purely platonic. She loved him like a brother, and she knew that he felt the same. She was relieved that it hadn't changed in the pursuit of his dreams. Rob was one of the most important people in her life, and would be for the foreseeable future.

Across town, the boys were waiting for Rob and Willow at the diner. John Harrington was slightly annoyed. He knew that this girl was important to his teammate, he just didn't want to wait for them after another grueling day of practice and lifting.

The boys were sat at a table, and John found himself in a seat facing the door. He joked along with the boys, easily grabbing some laughs from all of them. He was known to be one of the funny guys on every team he had ever been on- and he loved to make people laugh.

After one particularly funny joke about Herb and his ridiculous sayings, the door to the diner opened. John glanced up at the pair that walked in.

He knew one right away- he had just seen Rob about 40 minutes ago when he left to go pick up his friend. But it was the person he walked in with that caught his attention immediately. The girl walking next to him- she knocked him breathless.

Her long thick hair fell over her shoulders in soft brown curls. She was wearing a stripped sweatshirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of Adidas Shells. She was effortlessly beautiful. Immediately, John knew he wanted to get to know her- he was intrigued by Rob's best friend who somehow hadn't succumbed to his goofy smile.

A nudge from Pav on his right snapped him out of his daze. Half of the boys were smirking at him, and the other half were chatting with Rob and Willow. Pav gave him a look- one that John pointedly ignored. He instead fixed his glance at his water, heat faintly sitting on his cheeks.

John had had a few girlfriends over the years, but he wasn't a ladies man like OC and Robbie. It's been a good few years since his last relationship, but didn't particularly mind. No one had really caught his interest. Until now.

"Bah! This is Willow- my best friend." Robbie's voice pulled John from his thoughts and he glanced up to see a pair of striking blue eyes looking at him. A small smile was on her lips, one he tried to match. "I'm John- a lot of the boys call me Bah, but it doesn't really matter either way." Her smile widened. "It's nice to meet you, John. Can I sit?" She gestured to the seat next to him, and he nodded his head. She walked around the table and sat next to him as Robbie took the seat across the way from her.

"So, Willow, tells us about yourself." Mark Johnson spoke up from across from him. She chuckled. "Well, I just started my master's program at the U in architectural design. I got my bachelors in civil engineering from the U, and just graduated with that back in May. I'm originally from Virginia, Minnesota, but I moved to Brooklyn Park when I was about 7 or so." At this, John noticeably perked up. "You're originally from Virginia?" She looked at him, a playful smirk on her lips. "Yep- that's what I said." She laughed. He grinned.

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