Line Without A Hook (Robbie McClanahan- #24)

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"i don't really give a damn about the way you touch me when we're alone"

Lisa Montego tugged her backpack on before rushing out of class. Her biochemistry prof had let them out nearly 10 minutes late, and her next class started in less than 15 minutes on the other side of campus- like across the river other side of campus.

The molecular biology major frantically rushed to the bus to try and catch it before it left, but alas- the University of Minnesota transport had already left.

Well, it looks like she isn't going to make it to History of Latin America. Lisa was bummed- she actually really liked that class.

"you can hold my hand if no one's home"

She turned on her heel and started to head back to where her bike was locked up outside of the student union. As she was unlocking her bike, a laugh caught her attention. Looking up, her stomach immediately knotted itself with butterflies.

Rob McClanahan. One of her good friends, neighbor and her longtime crush.

"do you like it when i'm away?"

He looked away from his teammate and friend, Phil Vercota and smiled at the woman. She smiled back and him and Phillie changed course towards her. She set down the lock of her bike and leaned up against the bike rack, furiously trying to subdue the monstrous storm of butterflies in her stomach.

"if i went and hurt my body, baby, would you love me the same?"

"Hey Lisa! What's going on?" Robbie smiled his gap toothed smile once more. "Oh nothing much- missed the bus because my prof didn't let us out on time so I think I'm going to head home before work tonight. What about you guys?"

"i can feel all my bones coming back and i'm craving motion"

"We just got done eating in the caf- I've got one more class before practice." Phil said. "Yeah, I'm done for the day. I'll walk back home with you if you want?" I smiled as the butterflies once again started dancing in my stomach. "Sure, Robbie. That'd be great." The two of them waved goodbye to their mutual friend and started towards the direction of their apartment complex.

"it's a curse, and it's growing"

"So, you coming to the game this weekend?" Robbie asked. I pulled up a mental schedule to find that I didn't have to work on Friday night. "I think I might be able to- I know I don't work, and I usually don't do anything else."

"Oh, great! The boys and I usually go out after the game if you want to come with." I smiled brightly. I loved hanging out with the boys. "Yeah, sure! If I can make it, that is. I haven't been out with you boys in a while!" He laughed his beautiful laugh. "Yeah, Janny's been asking about you again." I groaned. The goaltender had been trying to take her on a date for the last 2 years, and every time she says no. "I don't know why that guy can't take a hint."

"you're a pond and i'm an ocean, all my emotions-"

Robbie rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I know." Something in his expression had shifted but I honestly couldn't put my finger on it. We walked in silence for a bit before he asked-

"Lisa, can I ask you something?" Curious, I stopped, setting the bike I was walking against my hip and turning to face it. "Of course, Robbie. We've been friends for a few years now- you can ask me anything."

He wouldn't look me in the eyes and his foot was kicking an invisible rock. I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous. He looked like he was debating something in his head. Then, he looked up at me.

"Would you ever go out with Janny?" I almost screamed. "No, no I would not." He looked at me curiously. "Why not?" I thought about it before answering. "Because my heart is somewhere else."

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