Expedition Begin

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-Senatorum Imperialis, Imperial Palace. M29. 671-

All thirteen High Lords were assembled in the golden room. They are representatives of various vital organizations in the Imperium. Some also came from a different sub-citizen in the entire Imperium of Man. Like the Men of Iron and Men of Stone leading image.

They sat around a mass hall where the Emperor stood in the center of the room.

"I think all of you know why I called this emergency meeting." The Emperor stated.

"We are aware, my Lord," UR-000 replied in his gigantic black automata body. It was the first among the Men of Iron, also the first Men of Iron that transformed into Ferrous Mind.

"The sudden appearance of the Gate piqued many questions. What do you think about this,  Supreme Marshall Adam?" Malcador, who stands alongside the High Lords, asked his peers.

The man named Adam is a Supreme Marshall of Psycant Astra. He was a towering Alpha plus psyker with a body that did not resemble Homo sapiens. It was a body made from pure psychic power molded into a material body by science and arcane technomancy, creating a vessel that could barely fit in reality as it existed in both material and immaterial.

"We have concluded our research on that structure. Indeed, it was psychically active. Furthermore, it was created entirely from psychic power." Adam said via telepathy.

"So it was Warp structure. Did the Aeldari involved?" This one is representative of the Men of Stone asked, Xana-102, serving as Lex Chancellor.

"They are arrogant beyond words. But those knife ears were no fools, Chancellor. Since the third galactic war, they have become a dying race. We destroyed them until the Aeldari Dominion could not recover. Moreover, we either confiscated or destroyed all of their technologies." The reply came from automata that even it was smaller than the Men of Iron. It was constructed by the bleeding edge of Imperium's technologies.

This was one of Lord Commander Gallius Atel's transhuman-controlled bodies. His main body is located deep beneath Terra's core, acting as a military hub for military Noosphere. Thus, he naturally eclipsed the majority of Men of Iron's prowess.

"I agree with Lord Commander on this, Lex Chancellor. We also have a clear history of all remaining Craftworld in our space. Yet, all of our agents reported they were still silent on their scattered planet in the galaxy wild." Malcador added using a neutral tone.

"Then, who is the culprit in this attack?" The only Man of Stone asked, glancing at other High Lords.

"From further research. There is exist a possibility it was created by an Empyrean entity." Adam told the Chancellor.

"My subordinate also had done their own research on the structure. It did not come from Primordial Annihilator nor any Xenos infestation. That Gate appeared seemingly on a scheduled time frame." This time a man with a red robe retorted. Balphulos Phor, the leader of Mars. Holding the title of Prime Professor.

"So, someone has the intention to open this Gate on us. Yet, the purpose is still unknown. If we did not take any precautionary approach. I fear something worse would happen." Gallius stated, drawing nods from the people around him.

"With that, I want to send an expeditionary force to explore the world beyond that Gate. Supreme Marshal, you must also notice the nature beyond that Gate." This one is the Emperor who spoke, rendering the entire room silent.

"Yes, I am, my Lord. The world is a junction that could lead into another reality." The Alpha plus psyker said, feeling conflicted by his own words.

"Don't be hesitant, Supreme Marshall. It would only lead you in disarray." The Emperor pointed, making the man in question mentally relaxed.

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