CODEX: Ferrous Mind

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"They shall become my ultimate weapon against the darkness. They are my bulwark when the horror comes from the deepest part of the abyss. They are born from the soulless metal, reforged into being greater than their original selves. They shall belong to my Seven Legion as their weapon to face the damned Aeldari Dominion. They are created with soul, crafted in perfection to become the next step to our ascension. They are our companions to face the impossible. They are the Ferrous Mind.' -Enial Feror, the Chief Marshall of Psycant Astra. The former identity of the Emperor of Mankind. M25. 981.


Ferrous Mind is the next generation of Silicon intelligent known as the Men of Iron. It was designed deep inside Terra's core with the most advanced technologies available in the Federation. It comes from various technologies from the Emperor's own design, enigmatic patterns from Mars' deepest vault, and the most bizarre crafts from the Sea of Soul.

With that, Ferrous Mind was born - an Artificial Intelligence with a soul, able to exist within the Sea of Souls. It was a cutting-edge AI of its generation, capable of manipulating both material and immaterial realities, creating a sentient being that surpassed all the psykers in the universe.


Created at the peak of the Third Galactic War, Ferrous Mind became humanity's ultimate weapon to secure victory in an increasingly complex conflict. The material realm was slowly crumbling as the divide between the Empyrean Sea and the Materium grew thin, and the Skein was collapsing under the pressure from entities in the Sea of Souls.

In the midst of those increasingly uncertain times, Enial Feror and his colleagues worked tirelessly to forge the ultimate weapon that would steer humanity toward salvation.

Long before Enial assumed his title as a Marshal or even gained his final designation as the Emperor of Mankind, he held a legendary epithet through various myths: Dragon Slayer. Back in the days of Old Earth, a revered hero had vanquished a menacing dragon that had plagued humanity, sealing it within the enigmatic red planet.

Thousands of years later, Enial returned to the crimson planet, bearing an unfinished mission to settle with the ancient dragon. Though the nature of his debt to the dragon remained a mystery, as he emerged from the dark labyrinth of the planet, he carried an unidentified object locked within a data slate, a secret that eluded all attempts at access.

Yet, Enial's quest was far from over. He ventured to the planet that had remained a legend since the era of the Federation and the Imperium: Molech. This planet was absent from maps and Imperial records, accessible only to the highest echelons of authority.

Amid the tales and myths that shrouded this world, a rumor began circulating among the elite of the Imperium. This rumor posited that Molech held a key that could unlock a realm surpassing even the dominion of gods. A truth hidden away from all but the highest echelons of Imperial society.

As the Marshal returned to Terra, he embarked on his project to forge the most powerful weapons and forces that humanity could wield, not merely to defeat the Aeldari Dominion and their gods, but also the minions of the Primordial Annihilators whose intentions grew clearer with each passing day.

It was there that the first Ferrous Mind was birthed, an instrument of destruction and creation guiding humanity towards ascension. Alongside the Adeptus Logos, the inaugural generation of Ferrous Mind charged into the darkness ahead, obliterating anyone who dared to obstruct humanity's path to victory across the galaxy.

Thanks to Ferrous Mind and Logos, humanity turned the tide, winning battle after battle and cornering the Aeldari and their forces.

After humanity emerged victorious from the war, the universe was left too shattered to inhabit. This is where Ferrous Mind's role in aiding Adeptus Logos became crucial. They repaired the fabric of the Skein, suppressed the existence of the Primordial Annihilators, assisted by Enial's Anathemathic energy.

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